
Why are doctors so ignorant about the side effects, and withdrawls of anti depressants ?

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Why are doctors so ignorant about the side effects, and withdrawls of anti depressants ?




  1. Not all are.   But many doctors simply do what their patients want, and if they detect that you want to try anti-depressants, many will write you up a prescription just so you won't leave angry.   That also allows them to get you locked in to coming back to them for evaluation of the prescription's efficacy and any other related health checks that are recommended by the manufacturer.  

    Don't forget, when you go to an MD, you're seeing a Doctor of Medicine, or as some people call 'em, "legalized drug pusher".

  2. I agree with you. many doctors are abit ignorant of the newer drugs!!

    its frustrating...they would also tell you that you are wrong if you try to correct them!

    they r just lazy

    what anti-depressant are you on?

    i would advise you to try st.john's wort. it is a natural anti-depressant with much less side-effects!! read up on it. it'd helped me before.

    I'm a medical student btw!! =) dissing my own people!!

    hope your feel better soon, mate

  3. Personally I have been on about a dozen antidepressants and I have never felt anything at all. No side affects, no withdrawls, no lifting of depression, and they didn't make me worse either. Absolutley nothing. Now I'm on Seroquel and it works.

  4. Most Doctor's are general practitioners generally not up to date on pharmacology other than what some salesman/woman hypes to them.

    If you are on anti-depressants you should visit a psychiatrist. They are generally more up to date on pharmacology.

    There are withdrawal's  (along with possible suicidal tendencies) to the majority of anti-depressants, that is why most of these meds require a slow tapering off since the full impact of an anti-depressant  takes around a month to be effective.

  5. because if you are admitting to them that you are having withdrawls then they start to think that you were adicted to that medication and now they are going to want to put you on something different....honestly i havent heard of "withdrawls" from anti-depressants!

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