
Why are dreams an important part of a person's life?

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Why are dreams an important part of a person's life?




  1. You might say (or at least the theory of Carl Jung, psychologist) dreams are a vital, dynamic source of healing, teaching and life guidance. It is a way of trying to heal our body and our psyche from our daily waking life. It is somewhat a filter of our psyche. It helps us or gives us a clue how to balance our life consciously or subconsciously. This is often true to recurring dreams.

    Often time it's just information that is being process in our mind from when we are awake. Just like when you can see dogs having a dream of running, and they would sort of recreate the movement while they are sleeping.

    It can help sometimes release some emotions - just like when we wake up happy or even sad after a dream, without even knowing what the dream is all about or why.

    Those are just some of the theory that I think make sense.

  2. i'm told they are the keys to the future freaky isn't it.

  3. until recently, i did not think they are of any significance.

    i have discredited every dream interpretation book and still do to some extent. but i cannot deny that dreams are a bridge from your conscious mind to that of your inner mind.

    first of all, i didn't realize that lucid dreaming is not something every person easily does (i have been doing it with ease since i was little) and that my body has repeatedly taken the first steps of astral projection (which actually led me to periods of insomnia because I had no idea why my body would feel paralyzed while I was conscious so I was scared to fall asleep.)  

    After recently discovering these things, I for once started analyzing my dreams and many questions arose. Why do I repeatedly dream of the same places that I have never been? Why do I dream of the same people from my past who I have no real connection with in my current life and didn't have much of a connection with in my youth? And why do I REPEATEDLY meet someone new and realize that they have been in my recurring dreams for YEARS?!!

    I am a science major but these odd facts alone are telling me there is some reason we need to pay attention to our dreams!

  4. It gives us a glimpse of what we are to clouded to see.

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