
Why are drivers so angry in england??

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Why are drivers so angry in england??




  1. Everyone's angry with the gas prices these days.

  2. Because they have to drive on the wrong side of the road.

  3. because they pay about $6 a gal.

  4. Unfortunatley alot of drivers on the road in jolly blighty are un insured & don`t give a toss about you or any one else.They are to wrapped up in their own little world to worry about other insured,road taxed people (like me) . Stress at work or home,making people angry, the UK works longer than any other european country or so i`m told & if that is`nt enough to make you mad then.......

  5. Because a majority of people on the road are complete morons. It's a wonder how half of them even managed to get a driving liscense.

  6. Because the greatest danger is the nut behind the wheel.

  7. I wish we did only pay $6 for fuel - I think it's far more than that - my nearest petrol station is £1.14/litre = $2.22.  That's why I get cross!

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