
Why are ducks so cute???

by  |  earlier

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  1. because they have wings AND go "QUACK!"

  2. because God created them :)

  3. you got problems buddy,ducks are some ugly creatures....

  4. the real question is why must they be so delicious!!

    I love ducks, they're so adorable.. it makes me feel guilty for eating them, but that's what they get for being so yummy.  :P

  5. It's their waddle,it is adorable how they walk.Something about the shape of their head is attractive as well.You just have to hold them and pet their heads.I like ducks,but snapping turtles here like them more than I do,so no duckies,boohoo!

  6. because they go good with quackers.

  7. because duckies are cute especially the babies

  8. becuase i hug them :) :0

  9. i had one once. they are ahdorable!!! answer mine??

  10. cos theyy are=]

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