
Why are electric cars so expensive!?!?

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Why are electric cars so expensive!?!?




  1. Three reasons:

    The law of supply and demand.

    The technology is not as standarized as gas cars.

    Batteries that are more sophisticated than common lead-acid batteries are very costly.

    --- If only we had spent the last hundred years developing electric cars instead of cars that run on gas!  Some of the first cars were electric.

  2. The only honest and correct reason is that oil companies control the auto makers, and the govt.

    Any good design gets brought up or the owner is forced into bankruptcy or worse legal problems by the government and the oil companies.

    We charge golf carts at work for two hours and run them for two days if needed on a 115 receiptable. The same 115 volt receipt. will run several chargers.  A simple dc to ac card picking up service from the battery as it runs would be enough to charge the cart continiously with out stoping to charge it.  The same could be used to service an electric car continiously.

    At the same time you can add an adapter on your car to provide 115 volt receiptable for grilling, fans, radio/tv ect. which is supplied by your cars battery .  this same 115 volt receipt would do the same thing in charging your car's electric batteries for the electric motor as you ride down the road.

    The only thing which will get us out from under big oil companies thumb is to pressure countries like Japan and Korea to build workable electric cars.  so many the govt. can't stop the sale or use of such cars.

    Consumers are lucky that we have such online sources as youtube for support and demos now. I think total electric cars are (self chargeing) are their way commercially and soon or people will began making their own.

  3. It's because they are relatively new.  Eventually they will be dirt cheap but be patient.  Until then, more people should start using their legs as a mode of transportation.  I don't care who you do have the time to ride your bike or walk to work (unless it is really, really far away but in this case you should just wise up and work closer to home).

  4. four simple words (Because They Can Be).

    As with any new product, they'll start high and slowly work their way down.

  5. Mostly because it's a fairly new and small-scale technology.  Things become cheap when you make a lot of them because then you can buy the raw materials in bulk and set up assembly lines, etc.  When you're making a small number of a product, you can't buy as large quantities of the raw materials, so they cost more, so they end product costs more.

    However, in July a highway speed EV is coming out at a cost of just $20k - less than any hybrid costs.

    As electric cars become more popular, their costs will come down.

  6. because there are not many of them.

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