
Why are elemental hero decks classed as not tournament worthy?

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i play againts my friends

one uses a zombie deck

and one uses a cyber dragon/roid deck with a otk chimeratech

and one uses a crytsal beast deck using rainbow neos

and i beat them frequently

there all solid decks

but i find i can always draw the cards needed to draw

i have cards such as castle gate to get me through the rough patches and i use its affect to wipe out life points,

so why are they thought of as not good?




  1. I guess it depends what spell and traps you have to support the deck

  2. well to be brutally honest, elemental hero's are very kiddy and just don't stand up to proper tournament decks. Monarchs and dark armed dragon would rip them to pieces in a couple of turns. Another point is you cant say that e-hero's are good just because they beat some of your friends. You give the example of castle walls. That should never go in even a fun deck. 500 defence points added is pointless ad 500 points being taken off is no problem at all to your adversary. Take solemn judgement. Not easy to get hold of but you willingly give up  max of 4000 LP to stop one move. Yet people still win. Finally, and i do mean this with as little offence as possible, beating a crystal beast deck with rainbow neos is no big achievement. This would require putting in neos, which would always be a dead draw, so rainbow neos should stay in its own deck away from c-beasts. I dont know about the other decks but unless your friend is insanely rich and is able to get a hold of things like il blud then they cant be that good, as roids are also not tourament worthy, but this is straying away from the question.

    I do come high up in massive tournaments so i do know what im talking about, but would like to see your e-hero decklist to give pointers on how to improve.

  3. They rely On fusions to Much although buy the time you get the fusion out a well built deck Should make sure it dosent last Very long. I run Gladiators so all i have to Do is Tag Out

    murmillo or Gyzarus and its dead so all that work for nothing If you cant Fusion then theres Not much to do So you Usually have dead hands.

  4. it is possibly because the elemental heroes are not that strong by themselves and relie heavly on fusion for power. also the elemental heroes are supplemented with many spell and trap cards, which can make any elemental hero deck huge and hard to make it gain monster needed for fusion


  5. There are a few reasons why they are not tournament worthy.

    1. Speed. They just are not as fast as the top decks. The only hero based deck that is any good is Big City and it is made to slow the duel down.

    2. Fusions. They rely on fusions. Some of you might say Gladiator beasts rely on fusions. Well, the GB fusions give you instant advantage. Thats why monarchs are good. Instant advantage upon summoning.

    3. Draw Power. They don't really have a draw card that aids their cause. For example, D Draw puts D Hero monsters in the grave like you want.

    4. The E heroes are weak on there own. DAD decks and GB decks can survive on there own because of  Monsters like DAD, Laquari,etc. Heroes have Stratos(which is good) but can't stand up on its own. One of the strongest is E hero Neos that is a normal, 2 tribute monster. After Premium pack 2 comes out. Heroes will become better, but not as good as todays top decks

  6. cuzz it costs more monny for a hero deck then any other deck, plues the fact that heros have less atk n def then most monsters with no efekts any deck ya biuld with em CAN'T be around 40 cards it's always around 50 cards for a hero deck and they need a heavy amount of spells n traps, thair not too easy to keep on the field,

    as for me i like hero decks i can beat decks like the ones you listed i'm good no BEST with hero decks it's the ONLY deck i can duel good with, when i use hero decks the only way to get a clean shot on me is too destroy all my traps on the field cuzz then it'd take me another to get back up, (my face-downs ALWAYS save me in a pinch) so i'd be a good tornement compedeter with heros last time i was 1 duel away from the finals that's when i didin't have fusions,

    i bet you could do the same blealeve in your posobiletys n you'll do grate just go by what YOU like!! ^_^

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