
Why are employers cutting jobs for the sixth straight month?

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and what is that doing to the economy?

what does the job future hold?




  1. It's called Mr. Clinton's NAFTA agreement. Corporations can ship their jobs overseas and reduce costs regardless of safety or working conditions.


    Corporations may not maximize profits, but following the Nader prescription will protect worker safety, provide a living wage, and protect the average American. Neither the Republicans or the Democrats have done anything for the average American in the past 30 years. Nixon was a progressive compared to the politicians we've elected recently.

    Most of the time, when I call customer service, I'll get a Bob with a heavy Indian accent and promises that are never kept.

  2. The continuing job cuts are resulting from fears over energy costs, drops in consumer spending, and the weak U.S. dollar.

    Cutting jobs in the U.S. could result in an eventual depression or it could have the opposite effect and actually strengthen the economy. Job futures of people in the construction, retail, and shipping industrys are the in the spotlight (so to speak) as to wether or not this trend of job loss will continue, while some career fields have shown growth even in economic hard times. (Health, technology, and internet related fields)

    Who knows what will become of the United States job market, but the next 5 to 10 years should be rather intresting.

  3. Bad move IMO, just makes things harder for everyone incl the economy. Except Starbucks. They are now paying the price for their own arrogance and bad attitudes. I always preferred Dunkin Donuts anyway their coffee is much better as is their service as well, no attitude at DD.

    When people react like this it creates a bad domino effect and things get much worse than they really need to get...people need to be more flexible more patient and bide their time before deciding to layoff thousands of people which I think is a premature knee jerk reaction and wholly unnecessary.

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