
Why are endangered species more important than dying humans?

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I mean, I know that endangered species and other things like that aren't something to be taken lightly, but why are people going out of their way to donate and save polar bears and seals when there are humans that starve to death everyday? I'm sure it's a noble cause, but don't you think that our priorities are a bit out of order?




  1. well, many people don't really know how the eco system works. many thinks that animals play no roles to the human being. the extinction of one species will affect other species and cause other species to become extinct. the picture is too big to imagine that is why many people can't see the picture. only those who can see it, are those people trying to save these animals. it is true that some people donate a lot of money to the animals, but if you want to compare, there are more people donating money to help humans all over the world. but why is it always not enough? because it is simply that the earth is over populated with humans, so it is always not enough. how many human beings can you save? you cant save all of them. by the way there are more doctors in this world then environmentalist, so what is all this fuss about? if you want to save more people from the thrid world country, you should try talking to the people in your counrty who is obese. do you know that at africa, no one is eating because the US is using their land to feed their people and now the percentage of obese people are higher in the US? an increases percentage of heart attacks? so yea, don't simply blame people. if you want to help humans, you should start eating less yourself if you are not underweight. if only people eat lesser, then the food supply would be enough for many people.

  2. There equal.  Most enviornmentalist respect all living things.

  3. Its because environmentalists are suffering from a form of self hate. It sickens me every time I hear about some moron contributing hundreds of thousands of dollars to save some stupid animal, when children are being abused and neglected daily and that money could be used to help them!

    Like the Sarah McLaughlin(sp) commercial for the ASPCA, why are dogs more important to her than a human?

    Animals have be going extinct along time before we even got here(just ask the dinos about it), who's to say its just not their time to exit stage right?

  4. well here's the hypocrisy, millions of animals can be wiped out to save one person, but at the same time we can declare war and kill tens of thousands of people in the name of "terrorism"

    There has to be a balance. Very few people put animals lives ahead of peoples but we also can't just say "F**k the whole planet" cause one person might go hungry.

    sad as it may sound there HAS to be an element of natural selection even on the human race. We can't make every single person on earth live forever. Nor can we feed everyone even if we used all the money in the world. the planet can't even sustain what there is now

    You say it's terrible to put anything before people, but how many "precious" people would die if we destroyed entire ecosystems and species, causing farmland to die off and food sources to be depleted

  5. They're not more important.

  6. To speak with rationale, we are endangered species just as well as the minority of species you're speaking of. We have such a high intelligence level that we are concerned of their rapid endangerment - most of them don't wholly understand what's going on because their intelligence is lower, but what they do understand is because of common sense that they have built in them. We arn't dying as fast because there's more of us. We will all die soon though because with the global warming situations happening, we are showing we're "dumber" tham we really are. We don't know how to react because we're more concerned with inventing motor-powered walking substitutions.

    It's as simple as that.

  7. there yall go again creating this strange idea that eviron(mental)ists add in common sense to decisions they make

    ....its a mental disorder!

  8. Because Polar Bear populations are dying!! in one certain spot.. Everywhere else, its up 500%.

    But the little cute man eating polar bears! Nobody cares about humans, their not as cute!! Pooooooo' little polar bears!!!

  9. There more endangred animal dying  then us the human and if we just didint care for human our specie would go extinct. we will possibly be extinct in the future because of global warming.

  10. Polar bears are not an endangered species, and if anyone thinks this then they are falling prey to the leftist propaganda. The only reason why they have been put on the list is to stop drilling in ANWR. The drilling site would only take up 1/100 of 1 % of the total area.

    Environmentalists don’t give a c**p what happens to these species, they just use the fact to stop development. They care even less about the starving people around the world that used to get our help, but can’t because of our ethanol production. Food shortages, and skyrocketing prices at the supermarket are testing people’s limits.

    I say, that next time you see someone handing out information of going green, you tell them that you already are buying green every time you visit the super-market and at the gas-station.

  11. Humans are far from being endangered ,on the contrary we have far too many.

    according to an American statesman at a meeting in 1998 in Copenhagen ,the Bilderberg Agenda demanded a lowering of the world population by 60% so the priority appears to be to have less Humans.

    And many indigenous races have been persecuted into extinction .,not to speak of overseas bombings.

    It sounds as if you are advocating treason to question the priorities.

  12. Your question was timed nicely to jibe with the 60 Minutes presentation on wiping out malnutrition in Africa. Distribution of a paste containing peanut butter, powdered milk, and a vitamin-mineral supplement can go a long way toward alleviating mortality from malnutrition. The problem is that the people this is being given to regularly have eight children per family. Unless they can be convinced to cut this back to one or two, all we are doing is postponing and worsening the crash. By trying to do the right thing, we are making the problem more severe. I'm not saying to stop feeding the innocent, just to use a little intelligence about what we are doing.

    Like the starving children, the endangered animals and plants had nothing to do with their problem. Unlike them, the problems of the endangered species were imposed on them from outside. The usual cause is loss of habitat caused by human greed and shortsightedness.

    In the one instance, we are exacerbating the problem; in the other, we are relieving it. That is why I would rather help an endangered or threatened species than one that has reached pest population levels.

  13. I believe that both of these problems are very serious and both require addressing.  I also believe that all the donations from us small folk in the world will not stop the problem of starving/ dying humans.  I think our governments need to step up to help solve the issue.  I choose to donate to 'people charities' regularly but I also send money to animal charities on occasion as well.  The world we share is not only populated with humans - I can't help thinking that's not an accident.  I think ALL life on earth needs to be respected.  I think people need to be educated how their actions impact their own natural environment.  Can you imagine the world if nobody cared?  So you are saying that we'd be better to send all our donation money to human charities and not to waste it on the animals.  How many times have you bought something for yourself that you didn't really need?  An extra jacket because it looks cool.  A new pillow because your other one had gone a bit flat.  Take away dinner because you didn't feel like eating salad.  While that was happending (and most of us make purchases like that all the time) people overseas huddled under a plastic sheet to keep out of the rain while they only dreamed of eating a salad.  They need medicine but there is none.   So maybe my question is "Why are we well-fed, well-clothed, well-housed people more important than dying humans and endangered animals?"   Perhaps what we need to do is spend less on ourselves in general thus increasing the amount we can afford to donate anywhere!

  14. Hello,,I don't know about ya'll,,but I think the government would be better off to legalize maryjanewanna before the end of this here delemona,,I can't beleaf them there politics b******s are so freaked out with the herbals we all need to make the suffering a lot nicer!!why don't everybody just respond with a a great song of rebellion and a nice fattie,,if'n the weed was legal, we could get our gas after a buzz, and not feel so screwed by the lying b******s that get elected by that crooked machine they bought in Florida the other year,!!hows them apples??

  15. because somtimes it's human's fault why species are endangered! aww poor cute polar bears! aww poor cute seals! aww poor cute humans starving to death! lol just kidding

  16. becoz population of human can be obtained, death occurs if so. but the rare species or endangered species are not able to re obtained, because of some particular environmentsl conditions(favorable/unfavorable). And human population is much enough.

    so we should concentrate towards the rarer speacies. because in a manner we are the reason for their extinction.

  17. Are you suggesting that we not do anything to save other species until humans stop dying?  If our priorities are out of order, what should they be?  To continue to allow other species to die out so that we can increase our own numbers so that we can do even more polluting and destruction of the planet?  

    If you're that concerned with starving people, I'd be very interested to know exactly what you personally are doing on their behalf.

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