
Why are environmentalist against oil exploration?

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Why are enviromentalist against oil drilling but don't care about all the drug stores being built on every corner and housing subdidvisions that are being built on every open piece of land?




  1. They don't care about the urban environment that we all have to live in. They only care about the 'natural' environment that nobody ever actually sees.

  2. Carbon Emissions from cars are a concern and Big Box stores. There is something you can do about this bring your concerns to The Green Party Office. Then ask then to put them on an election platform. Then vote for them . Enough votes maybe something can be done. Environmentalism encompasses Urban and Wild Areas.

  3. what they don't understand is, why do some folks think that there's lots of oil yet to be found?

    there isn't.

    in ANWR, there's considerably less than a 1 year supply at the rate the US is consuming oil.

    in addition, wouldn't it be better to save it until the price of oil is $300 a barrel?

    i'd sure think so.

    i don't know of any environmentalists that  "don't care about ... housing subdivisions that are being built on every open piece of land."

    i do care about people posting a lie, and blaming it on someone else.

  4. Environmentalists "don't care about all the drug stores being built on every corner and housing subdivisions that are being built on every open piece of land".  Really? Since when?

    What you are talking about is called "sprawl" and it is a huge issue that increases our reliance on fossil fuels as well as destroys farmland and natural habitats.

    I don't know of a single environmentalist who isn't concerned about sprawl.

    Point of awareness, without the massive amount of sprawl that occurs in this country, the kind that you are complaining about where housing developments and commercial structures keep getting built in more and more places further and further apart, our need for fossil fuels to transport us everywhere would be much lower. So much lower, that I would venture to guess that we wouldn't need to invest so much into oil exploration, because demand would be so substantially reduced.

  5. They aren't so much for the environment as they are anti people.

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