
Why are environmentalist against the new c02 (carbon dioxide) scrubber?

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there is a new invention out called the c02 scrubber and it can solve or environmental problems? how you say? this gadget and eliminate 1 ton of carbon dioxide of the earths atmosphere per day. so do you know what that means? we would not have to change the way we live, we could still drive the same cars, not hve to cut off our air conditioners and the list goes on. this device erases existing carbon dioxide, not the new carbon prodiced by factories and industrila sites. this could be revolutional but i want to know why the environmentalists are against it? they are the reason most people dont know about it because they want us to do things their way which they think is the right way. really it is costing us more to change our lifestyles, especially the poor and this device could literally save our skins. do you think it is about control or something else? do explain.




  1. Look around, Environmentalist are against everything!

  2. Oh where to begin....

    "The prototype will cost about £100,000 and take about two years to construct at a laboratory in Tucson, Arizona."

    So basically they cost a s***load and won't be available on a large scale for at least 3-5 years.  This is money and effort that could have been used for renewable energy products.  Renewable energy is preferable because it prevents the release of CO2, rather than trying to fix the problem afterwards.

    We already have 'CO2 scrubbers', they're called trees, and they cost alot less than £100,000.  And guess what, we don't need to wait 2 years for a prototype!

    "we would not have to change the way we live, we could still drive the same cars, not hve to cut off our air conditioners and the list goes on"

    This is the problem with these band-aid solutions to global warming.  We are living an artificially cheap lifestyle propped up by abundant and (until now) cheap supplies of fossil energy.  The solution will only come through both new technologies AND reduced consumption.

  3. Thanks for the info... It's the first thing I read about it, but I'll try to answer anyway.

    I do agree with Lackner that it might be a good solution since people aren't changing their way of living rapidly enough to put an end to global warming... I'm sure most environmentalist will agree on that.

    It's the job of the environmentalists to keep asking a green way of living tho, because it's not only CO2 that causes damage to the environment. The current industries, airplanes and cars also pollute the air with f.ex. soot and fine dust, causing many diseases.

    The way to go truly is to change to a life-friendly lifestyle.

    I guess that's why environmentalist say they can't agree with a solution that legitimates industries to continue polluting our air, earth and water...

    It's better to avoid a disease than to cure it.

    Also, the investment it would take to build enough scrubbers to eliminate enough CO2 to solve the climate problems, could aswell be invested in ways to produce clean energy.

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