
Why are european fishing fleets taking all the fish?

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Why are european fishing fleets taking all the fish?




  1. because everyone else ate all the pies

  2. because too many veggies still think it is ok to eat fish

  3. I do not know!

  4. For once, I agree with Jello,  "The Tragedy of the Commons". is much to blame for overfishing and pollution. When no one has to take responsibility for an action then the action that will be chosen by the majority will be the cheapest or most profitable until the resource is completely gone.

    This axiom extends to nearly every sector of our lives. Examples:

    People get drive thru food and leave the garbage on the street (streets and public parks are considered "commons" and are the receptacles for  a large portion of takeaway food containers as well as consumer trash like old TV's, mattresses-stuff that is hard to dispose of properly.)

    People continue to clean their toilets with caustic chemicals that require massive amounts of processing at the water treatment facilities. Evidence proves that "brush and flush" does just as good a job, yet there are countless 'Toilet Cleaners' on the market. Public drains are "commons"--once something goes down the drain it is pretty much untraceable to the source.

    Everyday, each American uses dozens of pieces of plastic. We can shout recycle until doomsday but it doesn't change the fact that 90% of the plastic we handle is not recyclable by current methods. Plastic bottle are recyclable but the lock rings and caps are not. Clam-shell packages are not. Plastic food wrap is not. Bic pens(and most other small 'plastic implements') are not. Plastic toys are not. The list of "Not Recyclable" is much longer than the list of what is. So why do we still use these kinds of plastic, even knowing that they can not be recycled? Because it is cheaper and companies still make profits from it. No one cares where it ends up, because at least in the US, it is kept out of sight and therefore it isn't our problem.

    Over-fishing is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to humans abuse of the planet. If you really want something to be concerned about look at "waste fish" 30-50% of all fish caught (and killed) is dumped as waste. But, that is not our problem.....

  5. This effect is called "The Tragedy of the Commons".  This effect happens when there is no private ownership.  Since the Europeans don't own the fishing rights to the ocean, it makes no difference if they take all the fish or not.  What they leave, others will take.  Soon, there's no fish.

    If individuals owned the fishing rights to the oceans, they would insure that the ocean would not be overfished because they need to make profits every year.  Private ownership would insure that there would always be an abundance of fish.

  6. Because of supply and demand.

  7. IT's just part of the cost to us of being a member of the united states of europe, biggest mistake we ever made.

  8. Because they have fished out their usual places.

    The Spanish have fished so much of the sand eel stocks around our waters that the Puffin is becoming almost extinct.

  9. i dont know is that the reason when im supposed to be fishing all i come back with is pissed off i dont find fishing calming but i was pleased that in some places they have 40 mile nets that made me proud whos gonna notice anyways cause the canal next to my house is next to unusable and it stinks and at one time there were no fish playing in the water untill some concerned citizens got together to try to clean some of it up by recycleing that krap that was in there from other people not careing whos gonna notice fishing fleets taking fish when there is unusable canals all over the usa and there is trash all over everywere you go on some campuses that garbage would be considered artfull i know i put my thumb up admireing people trying to play god with my drinking water dumping chemicals and over fishing why would you adopt some of the indians ways and take only what you need when you can rape it for everything its worth as long as its a barren dead reef arent you impressed?

  10. the European fishing fleets are small compared to the fleets from japan, Korea and Taiwan

    these three countries operate world wide fleets.

    and have been caught fishing illegally in most parts of the world.

    they routinely fish illegally the waters of any country that can not stop them. even the US.

    Iceland had to a few years ago had to make some of there fishing fleet official patrol boats to have enough ships to stop the asian fishing fleets.

  11. oooh i just covered this in geography.

    this is because of the EU, they are allowed to fish anywhere around other coasts.

    There have been methods introduced to limit this:

    for example fishing quotas

    and the remake of fishing nets so they let little fish out.

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