
Why are extra marital affairs considered so bad and wrong when so many of our higher ups in government have

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been involved in them?

How can this be considered immoral when so many "moral" people take part in them?




  1. so if Hitler was "immoral" then does that mean he never did a "moral" thing in his entire life? of course not... so can "moral" people do "immoral" things... durrrr

  2. As the old say goes, "If every one was jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge, does that mean that you should also?"

    Lets look at what is going on, You have united with a spouse that you have declared your undying love for, to honor and cherish until death, in other words a life long partnership. Then you turn around and commit a lie (the undying love part, remember) against this person who you have pledged a life long commitment to. And possibly drag home a disease to 'share' with the one you promised to Honor...

    I find that a little bizarre no matter what your position is, public servant or private sector.

  3. we hold them to higher standards.

  4. Betrayal of a loved one who trusts you and loves you is always wrong  no matter who you are. Government people are still "just people." They too are wrong.

  5. Hear,hear, Wackyone. The maniacs in charge cannot even be trusted to wear shoes on the correct feet. They are the second biggest pizz takers in society,apart from the financiers of this world.

    Zeitgeist-the movie.

  6. it's a habit they pick up from s******g the public

  7. Paul, obviously you haven't give this much thought.  Just because an individual does immoral things, does not make  it right?  You know the answer without going any further.  

  8. Since when should we consider our "higher ups in government" to be moral people?

  9. There is no such thing as morals in governments, never and I mean never use them as an example of what is right and what is wrong.

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