
Why are families not communicating these days? why?

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Do you think family are fallen apart because there is a lack of communication or is it because people are selfish, so everything that does not connect to one's personal interest becomes a target, an enemy. Perhaps you have another theory?




  1. You say "these days" comparing them to what other days?

    Lack of communication is always a deterrent to effective and satisfying relationships, and certainly, with the advent of technology, we communicate a lot less up front than we did before. It is hard to understand sometimes, when we text, and email, as our primary source of communication, what the inference is--our tonality. I think that lack of adequate communication is a habit we have gotten into. Also, the speed at which our lives are led, precludes us from just siitting and being with each other, which is a more accurate form of communication than any other. The more quantitiy time we spend with one another, the better the quality--the better that is we know, and can meet each other's needs.

    Threre is, of course, hope--All it takes is one person, to put an effort it, because communication involves at least two. If we make it a priority, it will no doubt rub off on others--it has to.

    Our actions always speak louder than our words, and a conbination of the two is a veritable sonic boom.

    The state of the economy, of course has required more focus on day to day concerns like making ends meet--which often clouds our perception of our much more basic needs--the need to feel connected, and the need to be loved and appreciated.

    Much of the time, I think, if we stopped and truly observed what the outcome of our actions were, we'd change them up, and put the effort in, that is truly required to enhance our relations, and better our interconnected wellness.

  2. the internet.... i think too much technology. People used to sit around the family radio and listen to comedies together. Today people are in the same room texting other people

  3. The world is getting dark.  Competitiveness not cooperation creates stress, and people bring that stress home.  It causes conflict and hostility in the home.  It breeds selfishness, i.e., a "me first" attitude.  Materialism has stolen people away from spirituality, and only mature spirituality enables one to transcend the selfishness and materialism of the world.  It may take an unfortunate crisis to wake the people up to what is important.  What is human.  Good homes start with good men, but feminism has immasculated a generation of boys.  There is always a price to pay when we violate God's rules for a good life.

  4. technology is a big factor.. its weird bc my family always sits and has dinner together but i hear some friends say they never do that.. crzy to me but all families are different..

    people are just bussier now so it's hard.. individuals have to set rules for what they expect for their families..

  5. Man is more socially conscious - he has changed... Life is evolving, the power of the individual is now more prominent than that of the masses. openess, self-reliance, self-service, inward, absolute 'is' when it is 1 and fickle when it is '2' - if you get my meaning.

    Families are failing because of the lack of concern for the other, and more concern for self progress.

    Do not be shaken by this, allow it, embrace it, when one is alone he/she will have a greater chance of knowing what is required of them in order to move into the future with insight.

    When one is dependent, their journey will be slow & fruitless.


    Because those who seak that which they do not understand is more fulfilling than that which is familiar.


  6. I wouldn't say ALL families are not communicating, and I wouldn't isolate it to families alone either.  But a large enough number of people in general are not communicating that it leads to conflict.

    I think you hit the nail on the head with this line: "is it because people are selfish, so everything that does not connect to one's personal interest becomes a target"

    Pick any theme they present in the news, and pay attention to one of the first questions tey always ask: "how does this affect me?"

    I always ask myself: "why do they pose that question from such an individualistic point of view?  Doesn't it matter how it affects everyone?"

    And to make things even worse, people are so shortsighted that the spectrum of "how does it affect me" only goes as far as they can spit.  It's like playing chess by only looking at the next move.

    A lack of sense of community, lack of interest in understanding your neighbor's plight, and plain old laziness are what are driving us down this pathetic path.

  7. its most definatly communication!!.

    well in my house it is

  8. the end is near! lol

  9. i think it all stems from our history of everyone trying to cross someone else to get higher.

  10. I think it is a lack of communication.  Everyone is always so busy multi-tasking and communicating with people outside of the home.  If we would just turn some of the gadgets off for a few hours while at home and turn to our family that is there in the home, we would all be better off.

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