
Why are farting and burping so taboo when they are so naturally occurring?

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Kinda self explanatory...




  1. why not p**p in public places like in garden square? it is naturally occuring.

  2. I dont find the burping that annoying but i guess it's a matter of values the society imposed back in the days.  

  3. Because our society claims to be sophisticated, not barbarians.

    But then again look around at the average joe, I mean how we eat is simply grotesque, how we act towards each other is so barbaric.

    I'm not sure, but it doesn't really bother me to much. Because hey everyone does it, so lets just all make fun of each other!

    that'll be loads of fun!

  4. cause farting smells bad and burping......well that smells bad too.

    have you noticed that you dont see many people doing any "naturally occurring" things in public? like pissing in the street, crappin on the sidewalk, or other junk. yeah, you dont see people doing that, at least without getting arrested.

  5. Because it's so offensive (physically and mentally [to some people])

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