
Why are fast food establishments so popular with people.?

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And is this the cause for growing obesity in America and its kids??? What's your thoughts???




  1. Because it is fast and easy and you don`t even have to get out of the car if you don`t want to.I believe it may contribute to obesity, but I have known many of obese people that don`t eat fast food.Maybe it is not what we eat , but how we eat.

  2. They're popular because they offer cheap food that is readily available, and you don't have to cook it yourself.  It's not the cause for growing's peoples' own faults if they can't make good diet choices, and parents' faults for not actually cooking for their children and encouraging them to exercise.  People keep trying to look for someone to push their problems off of and find someone to blame, but they really only have themselves to blame..

  3. Hence the name FAST food.

  4. I would think this is common sense, but maybe not? It's deep fried, quick and commercialized, which is what America loves. Most cases you don't even have to leave the car. It definitely contributes to the obesity, but a lot of people eat that garbage (me most notably) and still manage to be really active. So, the obesity "epidemic" is due to laziness and lack of motivation.

  5. Its cheap, readily available and tastes ok.

    because its either sweet (sodas), fattening (burgers, fries)

    or both (donuts)

    Thankfully Wendy's has some decent salads

  6. It's because you don't have to wait to get your food in an hour. Are fast food the reasons why people gain weight? Absolutely not! It's just eating to much in general. I hated sandwiches in school. I always wanted something from home, and it wasn't fast food.

    I took Peanut Butter sandwiches to school. Do you know how many calories were in them? I had no idea at the time how many calories are in peanut butter.

    I go to Red Lobster, and every Chicken strip I get is 300 calories. They give you 4 or 5. That's at least 1200 calories alone. The buns are around 200 calories. Add a drink, baked potato, salad, and so on, and that's a lot of calories. This is no fast food place whatsoever.

    This is a sit-down restaurant. If I have anything for dinner, or breakfast (Let's pretend that was lunch.), I would be doomed, and would gain weight.

    These places are giving you this much food because they want more money. You just can't eat everything they give you, or you are doomed! Are you going to avoid Red Lobster now because it's that many calories, or do you just live with it, and remember it's that many calories? Thus, you don't eat as much, and you take stuff home from Red Lobster.

    So, absolutely NO. I don't see the fast food places as the reason why people are gaining weight.

    It's not even about exercising at all. It's about not eating too much food. You exercise to work-off the food you eat. Just eat less, and you will be fine.

  7. Americans are lazy, that's why I won't lie I am too. It's easier to drive through then cook.

  8. They are fast....(duh) and cheap...and everything tastes well, if not good, it's addictive.

    Is this the cause for obesity?  no.  It is, however, a big contributor.  I don't think there is any one cause...there are millions of people, of whome, millions are obese.  There are many reasons, and many contributing factors.  We don't exercise enough.  Too many of us, and our children spend WAY too much time in front of the tv, computer, video games, etc.  How hard is it to just go outside and take a walk?

  9. Because the food is absolutely positively delicious!!

  10. Fast & cheap

  11. Because they are a quick fix in a super rushed society. Everything is made to be on the they are making food that way also, more than ever. I think that there are a lot a reason America's obesity problem is an issue and it starts with laziness!

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