
Why are female's b*****s sexualized and private?

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When men take their shirts off (at the beach, at the pool, when their exercising, etc.) it is openly accepted and socially normal. If u really think about it why did female's b*****s become private and socially unnormal. For example....... if a track team was practicing and all the guys took off their shirts people would'nt even notice, but if a girl took their shirt off everyone would stop).

Female's.......Are u glad b*****s are private or do u think b*****s should be publically accepted? Do u think this is a lack of equal rights?




  1. In some cultures and societies it is accepted and nothing is thought of it for a woman to go topless. I would love it if I could go topless when ever I want.

  2. I think this is a western notion-that is, sexualizing women's b*****s. In other cultures, b*****s are not a sexual symbol. They are seen only as a way to feed a baby at birth.  I think people are socially conditioned to see b*****s as sexual.  I do think women should be able to go topless without it being a big deal, but it is probably too late to go backwards.

  3. I haven't a clue, in Europe, they are as private, women are allowed to take off their s***s (no bikini) at places like beaches.

    I think they became sexualized because, that's what they do, induce sexual urges.  Private, I gues because people odn't like showing off those parts (men is the p***s; for women, the breats and v****a and the butt for both sexes), I dont' like it because I haven't a clue, it's human nature.

  4. I don't know, but they are fun and exciting to look at.

  5. ask God

  6. Well all men's b*****s are basically the same.  If all women's b*****s were the same size and shape I think nobody would care.  It is all about competition.  Men mostly approve of bigger breasted women.  Those whom have smaller bust sizes feel mostly insecure.  The same goes for men and the size of their JOHNSON!!!!  Small is considered not acceptable.  Do you think men would like to walk around totally exposing their privates for everyone to judge?  This is nature and lives in each and every species.  Humans compete on looks, body size, and income.  Birds go by the prettiest feathers the male has.  Turkeys go by the biggest gobbler.  Those one kind of really ugly monkeys go by the biggest nose.  So see it is competition for a mate.  Have u ever noticed how girls with big b***s let em hang all out?  That's why.  To attract men.  It isn't accepted because most people would be ashamed of what their bodies look like and the judgement they would recieve.

  7. mate...see some b*****s and there you'll understand why couldn't people practise sports or even walk on the sports with some female b*****s bouncing around, it would not be accepted by most of the women and men would always be distracted and it could even get to sexual abuses.

  8. Have you seen naked b*****s I have and they will never be public or I would never get any work done.

  9. Because female b*****s are BEAUTIFUL. Men's chests... not so much. And anything beautiful is considered sacred.

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