
Why are feminists so ashamed of being women?

by  |  earlier

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It's the luck of the draw!

Stand proud!




  1. Well, we aren't, but thank you for your interest.

  2. Oh, you got it backwards.

    Feminists are very proud to be educated, active, smart women with much to contribute to the world,

  3. ????

    You still don't really get it do you?!

    Suppose you yourself are a man, NOT something to be very proud of.....

    p.s.: It's NOT a lucky draw anymore, globally we already outnumber you!

  4. I cant give you any answer....its a mystery.....being a woman is a gift....and everything that comes with being a woman, just a few examples are feminity, warmth, beauty are also a gift, why these 'feminists' as so adamant they want to deny this i will just never understand....excellent question.

  5. I'm not, and no, I won't.

  6. Both genders come with their own strengths and weaknesses - naturally as well as what is thrust upon them by culture.

    Subjugation and control of women was necessary for patriarchal society - it was critical for the son born to the father actually be his... the only way to know for sure is to control the woman.  If inheritance and birthright were determined by the mother rather than the father, then there would be no need to control them - the man who was the father would be of no consequence, and the woman who was the mother would be obvious.

    Years of being repressed, and a few big wars left women with the means and motive to challenge the status quo - it didn't hurt that we were moving away from the cultural need to establish patriarchal lineage.  The movement was a strike at all the things that a woman was expected to be and do... some of those things were a part of their nature, whereas other things were part of what was culturally required.

    Now, women aren't sure what their role is - are they men, women, or something else?  Does it matter?  Can they have a career and a family?  What do they want out of life?  What if it doesn't conform to what they've "earned" as feminists... if she bakes a cake and cleans the house does she need to turn in her feminist card?

    The key is that they have the right to pursue their goals, dreams, and desires... whether it be homemaking or empire building.... heck, it could even be both.  Unfortunately, many feminists fail to make the distinction between what women naturally do and what is/was expected of them.

  7. Could you show your source?

  8. I don't think they are ashamed of been women, they just want to be equal, it's just it's a mans world which is sometimes hard for women to live in.

  9. Simple ; p***s envy.... Freud Rules !

  10. I'm not ashamed of being a woman, but I'm not proud of it, either. It's just a fact, like having feet. However, I reject traditional femininity because it goes against my individuality. Frankly, I don't see a problem with that.

  11. Not ashamed of being a feminist or a woman-just facts-unlike your assumption disguised as a question.

  12. I am a woman and consider myself to be a feminist.  I am very proud to be a woman.

  13. Ha lol this makes no sense, feminists are ashamed of being women?

  14. Personally they should relax a bit more; all of this identity stuff must be quite tiring; seeking power from an eight  letter word.  f e m i n i s m.  I'm a woman and even I don't get it; rumor is they need that word to tell them their human and when they don't get their rights is the fault of woman like me; never a responsible bone in their body.

  15. i wish i was a man

  16. It's beyond belief what emotion and vitriol a question like this draws from those who little comprehend it. As a man, I long for the bickering between these radical elements from each gender to stop and live in harmony. For those who argue that "its a man's world" and "all men are b******s", please take a close look at the Family Court and the wonderful loving fathers that are removed from their children and children from their fathers, because of this man hating mission of vengeance. This question is not putting down women, it is covering them in glitter and parading them down the avenue in victory. Thank you for this question and peace be with you all.

  17. Equality is a load of c**p. We are not the same, and will never be "equal", but yes, we should all still have the same rights. I don't want to be equal to anyone. I am me, I am woman, and I am proud.

  18. Self-validating.. rhetorical.. hmmm not really a question is it buddy

  19. you're funny in a dumb kind of way.

  20. The luck of the draw is to be happy in life.

  21. not ashamed.  just appalled.

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