
Why are feminists so upset over this?

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I don't even see how it's sexist or offensive. It's just a silly game.




  1. Who in their right mind could be offended by a silly game? It's just an absurd  manifestation of the victim mentality.

  2. We should all be upset by it, not just women and not just feminist.  We are facing a crisis in our young people of being overweight.  Glorifying or villifying it by a video game is wrong.

  3. Hmm..

    I wonder what men would say if the game was called "Fat Prince".

    EDIT: Oh, but a game called "Fat Princess" does?!

  4. The Fembots are programed to read an insult in everything possible. Its just the way they are wired, Im sure they are offended by sperm whales too.

  5. I am not upset over it. I think a fat princess stuffing her face with cake is hilarious!

  6. Based on what your own article says (despite the title), its not "feminists" that are upset, so much as it's two gamer girls who may or may not be "feminists."

    TWO "feminists" are what? They hardly comprise the entire feminist movement, let alone speak for all feminists, so stop acting as if they do.

  7. It is just a game. And now it will sell like hotcakes.

  8. It is a game, and that's it.

    I wonder why people take feminists seriously each time they complain. If PETA complained that Prince of Persia 2 violates animal rights (The prince has to kill eagles and snakes in that game. Those animals are vital to the ecosystem.), people would laugh at PETA.

    Why do we have to take feminists seriously?

    Would people take men's rights activists seriously if the complained about some game called Fat Prince? Would any man actually go to the trouble of taking things to court about a silly baby game because it caricatures men and makes them look bad?

    Women have just proved that they do.

  9. Feminists seem to think that anything that does not show a woman as being at least as powerful as a man (if not beating the c**p out of him) is misogynistic and a sign of the terrible power of the Ruling Patriarchy.

    Anybody who is seriously offended by this game on feminist grounds needs to see a shrink.

  10. This looks sooo familiar.;...

    I stick by that answer, which is this - it's just a game.

  11. I'm getting so tired of explaining this to people who can't hold a true idea in their heads:  feminists don't care.  The female gaming community is pissed off.  Not the same.

    This is a non-issue.  Find something else to whine about.  Some of you people remind me of my ex.  He invented things to complain about, too.

    ETA:  THIS is the answer that iinfuriated you???  It happens to be true, whether you like it or not.

  12. Feminists aren't.

    Some people are uber sensitive. What can you do.

  13. Feminists are always upset. They are always looking for something to complain about or somebody to bash. They are some of the most miserable people on the earth.  

  14. As I answered previously:

    I'm more upset that they are taking a very real health issue and making a joke out of it. Obesity isn't a joke.

  15. I think what the manager of the game said speaks for itself

    "Does it make it better or worse that the concept artist (who designed the look, characters, everything) is a girl?"

    And why are feminists upset, on the simpsons and family guy the main male characters are stupid and fat (homer, bart, peter, chris) but i dont care even though am male  

  16. People take thing to offensively for no reason just like African Americans do seriously get over yourself(but sometimes they are right tho)

    Please don't thumbs me down cuz I'm AA too

    Edit: And to Jane we don't  fuking care

  17. I think it's more of the fact that the female is being treated like a thing since the goal is to capture her (since she is the "flag" more or less)

    But eh, that's my guess at it.

    I personally find it kind of funny that now guys who would normally want girls to be skinny will be scrambling around to make a chick fat while the other team fights them over a "fat chick", a bit ironic to me and I do enjoy ironic comedy!

  18. I'm not. And the last 37 times people posted this same question, most feminists answered the same way.

  19. this may not be very correct to say but any feminist who might be upset by this is obviously not very bright , I'm sure the rest of the feminist do not have a problem with that game even when i do not agree in several things with their movement . there is worst video games than that for example all the Larry suits leisure which are still just games .

  20. hahah sounds like a game my nieces and nephews would love to play.

    Honestly from my prospective (which is neither feminist nor anti-feminist) I think it's a bit silly to get offended over a dumb video game. Honestly, there are more important things to worry about. However it doesn't surprise me because people in general always need something to complain about and one person will always find the slightest offense in something no matter who they are or what ideology they subscribe to.

    I just let them fret themselves silly. Some people just take themselves and life far too seriously.

    I'm more offended that they are making fun of obesity.

    Also as Victoria said, I do find it ironic how many men say they would never date a fat chick yet they are fighting over one in the game.

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