
Why are ferrets illegal in California but not the rest of the northern hemisphere?

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California will you ever make an inkling of sense. Please? seriously why is this?




  1. I know gerbils are illegal in California because escapees will do very well in the wild there. They are afraid that gerbils could upset the balance of natural wildlife.

    As for ferrets...I have no idea. Escapees would survive in a multitude of states.

    I found this article though that claims to explain it:

    Good luck!

  2. because, according to california, ferrets are "wild animals". haha, you should move soemwhere that allows them, they are awesome pets!

  3. Cuz they see them as rodents and vermin and are afraid they will breed like rabbits and take over, the governers and congressmen are retarded

  4. Because ferrets are sooooooooo dangerous! I mean, google their images! Those cute cuddly creatures are totally planning to form a ferret colony to destroy humanity! After nap-time of course.

  5. Arnold doesnt want to spend the money to get a geological report on how they will not affect the envrionment.  They think they are going to get loose, form a ferret posse, have babies and attack everone.  When they are already spayed or neutered and will usually die within 3 days without human care.  Ii aggrivates the h**l out of me.  I just want to take my ferret somewhere and not be afraid!!!

    25% of ferret food and products sold in the USA are sold in California.  So not only do we have ferrets, we have the most ferrets.  LOL Just F.Y.I.

  6. I have no idea. I live in San Diego and at pet stores, they sell ferret cages, food, treats, toys, etc., but no ferrets. It's not like the products are for rodents in general, they're made specifically for ferrets. I don't think the no ferret law is really old though, my dad had them when he was a kid.  

  7. Ferrets are illegal?

    sorry I know thats not an answer

  8. According to a 1997 report on the state's website, California has 3 problems with ferrets: they can bite, rabies vaccine isn't proven to work on ferrets, and they could pose a threat to the environment. Ferrets have been banned in California for about 15 years or so, but the legislature has passed bills to legalize them since then. Schwartzenegger vetoed one bill based on the fact that an Environmental Impact Report hasn't been done to examine the effects of ferret legalization. It's all just bureaucratic c**p that keeps them illegal, which doesn't even work anyway; it's estimated that there are as many as half a million ferrets in the state. California apparently just loves passing laws, regardless of whether or not they make sense.

  9. Wha?!!?! I never knew ferrets were illegal here...well..we just wont tell anyone about Dot....

  10. California is what it is... and Gerbils illegal?  ask dem boyz in San francisco.  Case closed!!!

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