
Why are ferrets illegal in the ca?

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Why in California but not in anyother state?.




  1. they are ignorant regarding the animal...  thinking they are wild or dangerous.  even here in WI they don't allow them in some apt. buildings..  people just need to be informed and have an experience with the animal before they ban them.  if they had a good reason, fine - but ferrets rock!

  2. CA is worried that the pet ferrets might escape and have an impact on the ecosystem...becoming feral, interbreed w/ weasels...that kind of stuff  the other states (or people in them) just don't really think that this is something they really need to worry about, or not enough people have voiced their opinion on this in other states.

    the ironic thing is that petstores in CA will still sell ferret care products because THAT isn't illegal, its only OWNING them that is =P

    i did a report/fake magazine on ferrets last year and this issue came up for me 2 it bugged me for SOOOO long!  

    hope this helps

  3. who know why Calif has some stupid laws for no reason...

    I hear you can get them in Nevada and bring them into Calif..

  4. I can't say for sure but one of the main answers I have gotten whenever inquiring on why ferrets are illegal in California has been met with the answer that it is because of the crime factor.  Ferrets are very intelligent and can be trained - and supposedly there have been many incidents where ferrets had been used for burglaries so to 'resolve' the issue they had been banned.

  5. Because different states have different rules, and California is clearly worried about the impact ferrets could have on its fragile eco-system and native wildlife. If there were ferrets and they got free, they could kill native wildlife, or breed with it, or breed with another 'feral' ferret, and this could cause major problems.

    I don't know if California particularly has animals that are more fragile and sensitive to ferret attacks, but I expect that is the real reason.


    In the UK, grey squarrials were bought on a trade ship in the 1800s. In this time, red squirrals were a strong part of our native wildlife, but the grey squirrals came, carrying a virus which killed the red squirrals, and also fought with them. Now, the red squirral, a NATIVE animal to the UK, is rare to see and is endangered whilst grey squirrals still exsist strongly.

    The same could be said with a ferret. Quick breeders, easy to escape potentially, a threat to native wildlife- in the wild, they eat eggs, small birds, even rabbits- and this is why some animals aren't allowed in some countries/states.

  6. really are they really illegal... omg i cant believe that i have 10 of them they are so cute and furry they are the best thing thats ever happened too me ... get 1 see if u get arressted

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