
Why are freelance journalists advised to keep a blog?

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What are blogs for, and how do they relate to journalism? And who reads them? And what do you write in them? I've seen other people's but they all seem very random and not at all related to journalism..




  1. As a freelance journalist, blogging gives potential employers ready access to samples of your writing style and how you analyze topics. Consider it as (almost) free marketing. It is not uncommon for people looking for a writer to surf blogs on related topics as well as discussion groups on the topic to find potential candidates for some project.

  2. I think a blog is a little bit different for everyone. They are basically thoughts, or quick presentations of an idea, principle...the outlaying of an opinion on a subject that is brief, concise, and to the point. Blogs are more personal statements written from the perspective and viewppoint of the author rather than like an article, which should be entirely objective.

    Freelance, and even staff journalists, anyone who wishes to write anything should always be engaged in some form of writing. It is the old practice makes perfect adage that applies here. The more you do it, the better at it you get. Blogs are just one more way to hone your craft and keep writing.

    Specific to freelancers, it's also a way to advertise themselves and show writing samples.

  3. Blogs, if they are good, change the course of events. They shape how people discuss the issues.

    Nowadays it's very hard to get published writing your own opinion. But if you have a blog, there is a public record that is easily searchable, that is like a portfolio of your writing.

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