
Why are fridge doors magnetic?

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Is it to do with helping the doors stay shut? I know the seal plays a part in that. Or is it simply so that you can stick magnets on the front?




  1. Well when I was young I got stuck in a fridge with a inner latch. Lucky for me my mom found me inside trapped. Magnet's are safer than the old one's for now.

  2. to keep the door sealed so it doesn't leak cold air out...or warm air in...wait no they're both the heat outside doesn't heat the air inside!

  3. No, they would put a magnetic door on a fridge just because of that magnet thingy!The first refrigerator magnet patent was obtained by William Zimmerman of St. Louis, Missouri, in the early 1970s and I REALLY think fridges existed before with magnet doors. Its because so they can open and shut easily! And that seal is to the air wouldnt go in or out so its hermetically closed and yes the seal also plays the part in closing cause behind is a magnet (not the whole door just behind the seal)

  4. its the type of metal they use to make the fridge

  5. It was once used as a household convenience for people who tend who stay most of the time in the kitchen.  Since then, it has become a tradition for people to have magnetic fridges because it's so handy.

  6. its not like they were made to be magnetic

    its just the metal they use

  7. Cause if we had latches, they'd snap.

    :D simple as that.

  8. The doors are not magnetic, they are, in most cases steel. Ordinary magnets stick to steel doors.

    The gasket on the door is composed of a rubber bonded, flexible magnetic material. This design is one of the better multitasking creations to come along. It provides a means to keep the door securely shut while at the same time allowing a child who might enter an old refrigerator to escape by simply pushing on the door. And, it also creates a much better seal againest warm air infiltration.

  9. The old fridges had an ordinary rubber seal and lock (like a door handle).  Some still do (the big industrial ones).

    Modern fridges indeed have a magnetic strip to simply make it easier to open and shut the door, yet still provide a seal.

  10. The whole door isn't magnetic...magnets stick to the front because of the type of metal used to make the door.

    The seal is magnetic but that is just in the rubber strip, it has a magnet in it...and yes it's to create a seal

    magnets don't stick to refridgerator doors that are stainless steel

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