
Why are friends important in our life???why it is said that widout frndz there no life........??

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Why are friends important in our life???why it is said that widout frndz there no life........??




  1. I think some time friend play a role in our life. when no one realy to hear us no one understand us at that time may be friends can help us. but he/she must be a real/true friend. try to turst them....

  2. friends............. friends...................are de best part of ur life yaar , u cann hang around with them share ur sceretss and lotss more...

  3. It all depends on personality. Some people are more private, and are content on their own company. Others are social beings, and rely on friends for their own happiness. It is based on your 'genetic build' and the environment you have grown up in.  

  4. Because the friends are the key to teach us lots of the things practically by their behaviour, and we share lots of things with them so we come to know lots of things apart from that there are lots of things which we can share only with the friends even we hesitate to share that with our siblings and parents thats why friends are very important in our life apart fom that our friendz almost are of our age so sometime we help them and some time get helped with them. Thats why friend are very important and if u want to be my frind contact me at


  5. oops sounds like u din do 4ndship with any 1.... else u wont ask this Qn...its a feel u try that u itself will understand y they r important in life !!!!!

  6. because friends sustain you.  they fuel you.  their happiness, sadness, anger, passion resonates somewhere inside you that when you are a part of them, and they a part of you - you feel deeply therefore live deeply.

  7. Life is more rewarding if we have share our joys and sorrows. Without friends it will be lonely life.

  8. As with them u experience life per se.

  9. Yeah, I'm not too sure either.

    I've tried it before, trying not to lean too much on friends, but it's too hard. You need them to talk about things with. Even just small things like when you're little brother/sister is being annoying or if you see something funny on tv, you need someone with whom to relate your experiences.

    But also with big things like your views on politics in your country, or secret crushes and stuff. They're necessary for different view points and to help with just general social interaction.

    Doing things with friends also makes them more enjoyable, and if you're not doing something with them, you can feel like you're missing out.

  10. Life that is not shared is a life "un-lived".  Humans are social animals.  It is in our genes that we live together in communities, to look out for each other, to support each other and to defence each other.  Friends do that, and more.

    Friends, like most things in life, where quality counts more than quantities.  Most of my best friends are university friends, something about bonding at that transition time (or getting stupidly drunk together).


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