
Why are games for the Rugby world cup 2007 being playing in Wales and Scotland when France are hosting it?

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Why are games for the Rugby world cup 2007 being playing in Wales and Scotland when France are hosting it?




  1. It was not all about votes as France had 4 more votes than England anyway! But Wales and Scotland did vote for them taking the vote tally up to 6 votes more than England!

    The French did not have enough stadiums so they offered theirs, the Irish would have hosted a game or two but landsdown road is having work carried out on it!

    This is common practise for most host countries to do!

    Wales did it in 1999!

    The 2011 RWC is being held in New Zealand, as they do not have enough stadiums and do not want neighbouring countries to host games, the teams have been decreased to 16 rather than the usual 20!  Is this fair?

  2. Bigger stadiums

  3. It is a Celtic thing,  Ireland was not included because Lansdowne rd. is currently being rebuilt

  4. Not enough big stadiums in France.

  5. The reason is because England and France were both bidding to host this tournament and France thought they didn't have enough votes to win so they offered a few games to Wales and Scotland if they would vote for France.

    France won the right to host and so they had to give games to Wales and Scotland.  Ironically, France must now face NZ in a QF game in Cardiff... not exactly what they had in mind!!!

  6. They need enough stadiums.  It's not uncommon for world cups.

  7. dont know but watever the french were thinking is not going there way. cause they have to play new zealand in cardif and thats were they are going to exit the world cup.

  8. It as to do with the fct that these places voted for France to hold the world cup.  Playing some of the games in scotland and wales was part of the deal.

    Just as N.Z get the next world cup becasue they said they would play tests against certain countires in exhxnage for their votes.

  9. well it was due to some stupid arrangement between the three countries that some opening matches got played there. It was a bad idea in my opinion, especially in Wales those Welsh hardly supported the game.

  10. Because the French guys organised everything for wining the cup (choosing the referees, the number of resting days...)

    But they didn't expect to loose against Argentina, now they have to play in the trap they prepared for another team.

    The real reason is that in the last cup, whales gave France some games in exchange of their vote, now whales voted for France and france gives back to whales what they recieved a few years ago.

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