
Why are games so epensive here in australia?

by Guest59847  |  earlier

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To get a decent game for my ps3 i have to pay a minimum of 100-109 dollars.

ps3 games are region free so i an get some for half price on ebay,

but i'd rather pay for games in my own country.

plus its easier too to go to a store.

why does America, and Asia and other countries have price that range from 40-about 80 and why is it more expensive here?




  1. 1) Australia is a smaller market. Europe has the same problem; in London I know, while watching a documentary on T.V., in the background at a mall where the people were filming, I saw a PS3 for a whopping 700 pounds! I mean c**p man, that is damned well near 900 dollars! Well, as in Australia, its the smaller market.

    2) Shipping issues; naturally the cheapest place to buy it, is in Japan, the PS3 I mean, and the 360, here in the U.S. Isolated country's goods all arrive by boat, and transportation isn't cheap you know.

  2. I don't know. We should protest. If you ask your questions at 1am Australian time you get lots of answers. One of my questions got 17 replies in 20minutes.

  3. Because video games probably come from Europe, which is closer to U.S and Africa, so when they ship all the games to Australia, it takes longer so they have to pay more, and the people who make the games need to earn their money back so they can get the tools to make more games, which is why it cost so much money  

  4. Well America may get it cheap but Europe certainly does not!! I think it's probably to do with tax and all that rubbish. That's the reason for the big price hikes in Europe, i mean we're paying the equivalent of like $100 more for a PS3 here than they're paying in America.

    Lol, start a petition an "equal prices campaign"

    I think another reason for the prices is because they take into account the strength of the economy. like on the PSN store American's in some cases pay half as much as i do in England. Still least when you buy off Ebay you don't have to leave the house :P

  5. Because the Australian dollar probably isn't as strong as the US dollar, so US dollars are worth more than Australian dollars.  To make up for the weaker Australian dollar, companies charge more for the games.

    If gamers don't like the price, they can protest by not buying the game, which will cause companies to lower their price.

  6. I know mate, I live in New Zealand and games here are $119-$129

    That's why I go to because they are way cheaper over there...

    Just look at this game in trademe,

    But look at EB games they sell the same game from above for $119!!!!

  7. i agree they are too expensive they should do something about it

  8. i knowww its so g*y!

    i think its because we live heaps far away from the place where they made them so it costs more to ship them or whatever over here, whereas asia and america are probably closer to where they are made

  9. It is seriously annoying. The way I deal with it is to wait a couple of years before buying it. Of course this is enormously frustrating.

    I think the price is higher because of shipping costs and the comparison between the economies. Add inflation on top and you have one expensive game.

    A problem with buying from ebay or the internet is you can't be sure what you're getting. I've heard of someone paying $300 for a PS3 box, on the website it said "comes with everything you see here". The picture was of the box.

    Sadly there is no easy resolution, but maybe your best bet is to buy what games are available from the Playstation store. Warhawk costs $50 there, but I saw it in a shop for $95. I know what I would choose.

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