
Why are garden centers legally permitted to sell invasive plant species?

by Guest66783  |  earlier

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to the third and fourth answerers:

why are you even answering questions in this category, you don't seem like people who are interested in environmental topics, so i'm curious ...




  1. That's a good question and I don't know why. It's an EPIC problem, but it isn't just plants that are invasive. For example, there's a certain type of python imported from South East Asia sold in pet stores that, as a result of having been released into the wild because the snake species had grown too large for the owner to take care of, is beginning to create environmental problems in the Everglades. At least with invasive species of animals, the animal can be sterilized or neutered before being sold in a pet shop or in some instances the pheromones of a species of an animal can be extracted to artificially attract the environmentally disruptive animals for capture so as  to hopefully restore balance to an eco-system. With plants, such as "kudzu" which was sold as an ornamental vine many years ago but has long since become an almost indestructible viral-like plant that chokes the life out of native plant species as it spreads, it often times seems like an uphill battle.

  2. Occasionally, an invasive species is SO bad that a state may actually ban it.

    It's rare this happens though....and usually only in an extreme case.  I wish it was a bit more common.  

    I don't know if all non-native species should be banned...certainly not.  But if one has a tendency to "take over" an area, then yeah, I consider that a public menace.

  3. ya---let's make another law to stop people from doing something again.

  4. I'm not begrudging the garden centers' right to make a buck.  It should be local communities, situated around sensitive wilderness areas or habitat, that should  establish a "no planting zone" for invasive species.  The government spends millions trying to remove them, so it makes sense.  If the nursery doesn't have customers in a given area, they won't carry the plant.

  5. i have to disagree with the previous answerer. we need to control invasive species and their should be regulations against things like that. if you left it upto people and consumers, you'll have a huge problem, like we already have.if given a choice people will do what they want with no regard for anybody other than themselves.  

    maybe i'll just order a crate of emerald ash boring beetle this weekend just because i can, i like the way they look. come on.

  6. It depends if the plant is placed on the list that bans invasive plant species. If the plant is not banned, they can legally sell it regardless of your objection. We used to sell a couple varieties of Lythrum, but then the species was found to invade waterways and choke out rivers. They banned the whole species, even though the varieties we sold were not troublesome. Haven't seen one of those in about 15 years now.

  7. No experience and no monitoring, they are simply exploiting the opportunity to make money. It isn't their fault either, leadership is supposed to ensure we don't allow invasive species and that our environment is secure.

    If you travel internationally, they ask if you have fruit, plants or anything that might affect an eco system for specifically this reason.

    Good question that should be asked of your local politicians. Hair salons don't have bins to catch their toxic chemicals, they go into the water you use to drink and eat. Car washes don't catch their discharge water. Hospitals process medical waste but wash the floors and down the drain things go where we consume it.

    Garden Centres should have to employ the appropriate professionals and sell natural products. If you buy pesticides, herbicides, etc, you end up consuming it.

  8. yea! we need more laws

  9. the invasive aspect of plant species is ecological and moral ,nothing to do with legal

    garden centers only SELL the plants were do they come from

    that is where you must look

    are they imported what happened to the control there ,

    or do they come from nurseries

    In the end it is the consumer who call the shots ,

    not the supplier

    that is like saying ,why does the liqueur store sell beer

    so that  my husband can get drunk

    You must appeal to the public to plant indigenous, and point out why

    Why are governments legally permitted to deforest rain forests

    Why does the Government allow religion when so many use it to kill people ?????????

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