
Why are gas prices so outrageously high?

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Why are gas prices so outrageously high?




  1. we need to save oil and that stuff.

  2. Lets do the math:

    Your average american uses 40 gallons of gas a month, 10 gallons a week.

    Gas is $1 more now, than it was in 2006 (2 years ago).

    In 2006 you made $7.00 an hour.

    HOPEFULLY, youve quit that job or gotten a raise and you are now making $7.50 an hour (If you didnt get a 50 cent increase in 2 years, you are doing something horribly wrong in life)


    You are paying $480 more per year on gas, then you were in 2006...

    BUT, if you got a simple .50 cent raise within 2 years......then you would be making $960 more per year, then you were in 2006.

    (.50 cent is a really low increase in 2 years, if thats all you got, then I feel sorry for you)

  3. Gas prices are actually not high. Look at how much bottled water costs per gallon at the gas station!

    If you want prices to come down, insist that we start drilling and building nuclear power plants NOW.

  4. Because in a few years the automobile industry will use new fuel sources and the gas companies know this and r raising their prices now to offset the lower demand for gasoline when the new technology kicks in...

  5. Supply and demand, but not of oil, of US dollars.

    The US dollar is currently worth squat compared to previous years in the world market (so it takes more dollars to buy the same amount of goods since the "supply" of dollars is higher relative to past years....which makes the demand for each dollar lower than in the past, decreasing each dollar's value.)  

    Oil bought in the Middle East must currently be bought with US dollars for whatever reason, so it's taking everyone more and more US dollars to buy each barrel of crude oil compared to the past.  

    Therefore, gas prices are up over previous years since gas is a processed derivative of oil which is bought with US dollars which are worth less than in the past....

  6. We should of been drilling yrs ago> Now the DEM don't think we need to drill> Find other ways to move around>Save the world>While we go back to the stone age>

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