
Why are gasoline prices $4.75 per gallon in Alaska?

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Why are gasoline prices $4.75 per gallon in Alaska?




  1. Alaska is a REALLY BIG state. It's twice as large as Texas. It takes a lot of energy to transport fuel throughout the state, hence the high prices. Also, public transportation is not as big in Alaska as it is in New York so everyone there uses a car or some motor vehicle, which drives up more demand.  

  2. Because all of their oil has to be transported to be refined in other states...  In addition, the Federal government will not allow them to increase their drilling of their own oil and gas...  Now that is just dumb...

  3. Probably the same reason why gas prices are high every where you look .. take a look at Chicago (they're the same average as Alaska).  So, turn that back around to ya .....

    Stop being jealous and angry that Obama just plain sucks and chose to pick a rich white guy as his running mate instead of Hillary.

  4. Refineries are not there and the democrats (sierra Club) haven`t let us build a new one in over 35 years.

    So the oil is pumped south and made into gasoline and then shipped back up. that costs money.

    Governor Palin made the State pay the people of Alaska $1200 a year to help pay for gas.

    What has Obama done about gas prices for his state?

  5. C'mon people

    Gas prices are high in Alaska and Hawaii because the gas cannot be delivered easily, that's why.  There are NO refineries and you can't drive it their like you can in the lower 48.

    Everything is higher there because of it. Food, clothes etc etc.

    The residents of Alaska get a rebate check every year, this year over a 1000 dollars, to combat the effects.  This revenue comes from a tax implemented by the state of Alaska.

    Would you care to know who is behind that?

    It wasn't the Dems behind that either, it was Palin.

  6. Because everything is higher in Alaska since shipping coasts are a lot higher.High gas prices are not a problem in Alaska because every citizen gets a check from big oil each year from a oil lease agreement

       This is basically what Obama wants to do for all oil companys and McSame is against.

  7. The cost of transporting gasoline. However residents get a revenue check every year from the oil revenues.  

  8. No refineries in Alaska.

  9. Because the Congress won't let the oil companies drill in Anwar. Blame the Democrat Congress.

  10. Palin isn't successful in lowering gas prices. Go figure.

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