
Why are gasoline prices rising and what can the average citizen do to help lower them?

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Why exactly are gas prices so high? Also, obviously when gas prices are this high it's a good idea to find different ways to travel, but is there anything we can do that would actually lower the prices, since obviously boycotts don't seem to work?




  1. Pres. Bush. the oil Princes, and, supply and demand. The oil companies had over a BILLION dollar profit last year. Hmmmm...Bush owns some oil rights.

    Walk, ride a bike, fill up real early in the morning, drive less, walk more. Take 2 days a week that you do not use any petrol. The prices are going to go up, they are already at 100.00 a barrel. The Americans aren't the only ones though, everyone needs to boycott.

  2. Prices are rising because oil execs are greedy b******s.  We can drive less, and drive more fuel efficient cars and/or hybrids to try to bring the price down.  But, I don't think we have much say at all, unfortunately.

  3. Production costs


  4. I believe that as a community we can all get horses and saddle up.  LOL!  In my community we had a day of no gas purchase.  It didn't work but maybe if the world did it, it can change.

  5. As long as our President and his "groupies" are in power and as money hungry as ever, there's nothing any of us can do but suffer.

    If the whole country got fed up and all protested all at once, maybe THAT would do something.....but I don't see that happening because too many people feel like there's no hope.  Either that or they are under some really thick rose colored lenses thinking that our President is a hero....

    Pfffffffffffffft wake up America...

  6. guess were just gonna have to live with it

  7. We are being told it is supply and demand.  India and China are now huge oil consumers due to recent industrialization growth and ther is only so much oil available.  Thus, the price goes up.  I wouldn't count on anything lowering prices.  We just need to lower the demand.


  8. Revolution!! The rich get richer and you know the rest.


    That's the only way.  When demand drops, prices drop.

  10. Gas prices are high because production is not sufficient to keep up with demand. By production, I mean refining capacity. There has not been a new refinery built in the USA since the 1970's. In fact, there are less refineries operating now than there were back then. The oil companies take refineries offline to create artificial shortages and manipulate the market.

    What can the average citizen do? Nothing.

  11. Why lower them?  I am making a killing on the oil stocks.  I want them to go higher.  $$$$ money money money.  That is why I converted my car to run on Flex Fuel E85, and I pay on average $2.25 /gallon.  I enjoy making money, my E85 prices will never reach $3+ a gallon.

    Also oil execs, know that there are a lot of stupid people who like driving Hummers and Large SUVs that get 10-18 MPG and use them as their everyday vehicle, if they are stupid enough to drive a vehicle like that which the oil execs know they are; why not make them pay they use twice if not three times more gas then the average person who owns a regular car does. They need it most, its called supply and demand  It those people with these Hummers and SUVs you should blame.

  12. Gas prices are high because the CEO's of every company are greedy! If you watch any of the 24 hour news stations, MSNBC, CNN OR FOX, you'll find out that on one day the price per barrel of crude oil will'll go to the gas station later that day or the next day and the price at the pump has jumped another 5 cents or more.

    It doesn't cost anymore today to process the oil than it did last night.

    Oil companies raise prices "in fear of something happening." Prices rose prior to hurricane Katrina even making it into the Gulf Coast area. Prices rose because an offshore oil rig caught fire.

    It's all greed. It doesn't take long for an oil company to recoup its losses after a disaster. They've definitely made up the money lost from Katrina and the oil rig fire.

    Boycotts would work but it's darn near impossible to get an entire nation to stop buying gas on 1 or 2 particular days a week.

    I wish I had the perfect answer. Our government seems to give us a different reason, on a weekly basis, of why oil prices have risen. I personally think it's just one more lie that the general public can't prove against this administration.

  13. Nothing we can do.  Until the oil companies and their CEO's decide to be less greedy, the price will only raise.

  14. unfortunately there doesnt seem to be any way that we can get the oil companies and in the case of the uk, the tax prices to lower. we  can all save ourselves money by using more economical cars and only using them when we have to. also driving more economically. problem is we are all getting nailed by the cost at the end of transpotation for our day to day essensials aswell and we cant do a d**n thing about that. we have all been pushed into a no way win situation and we seem to just have to live with it

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