
Why are g*y men seen as a threat by some heterosexual men?

by Guest56202  |  earlier

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Surely they would be less of a threat, as they're not rivals for women's affections.

If it's about rape, are the same men that fear g*y men the same men that tell women not all men are rapists?




  1. It's not that they're a threat. Not to me anyway.

    But they are creepy.

    As a guy, I think about sexual situations with ever woman I come across. Every last one.

    I assume homosexual guys do the same thing, but think about guys.

    I don't want a g*y guy thinking about putting things in my p**p-tube.

  2. Only larger aggressive g*y men.

    I treat all forms of assault the same way: I will smack the c**p out of you within legal limits till you stop.

  3. Why would g**s be seen as any threat to straight men?

    Please explain

    Thank you.

  4. Not speaking from a personal perspective, but knowing how men work, i can say that most are fairly disgusted by the behaviour of g**s and merely feel uncomfortable around them (what is the reaction of a typical group of lads if they see two men holding hands or kissing).

    This could be read as a 'threat', however, I see this terminology as g*y propaganda, what they really feel is 'disgust'.

  5. I hate to see gayboys acting like women and they just revolt me when they get all excited over a guy they fancy

  6. alot of man who are uncoftable about about g*y man think that they will become g*y if they are around g*y ppl and some think that the g*y man will hit on them

  7. Not all g*y men are the "girly" kind.. so rape can be one issue. Also, men understand the male mind and we know what goes through our minds when we see an attractive woman. No man wants another MAN looking at them or thinking about them that way.

    I am not threatened by g*y men personally. I wish more men were g*y so that I can have more of the women to myself.

  8. the forbidden fruit always looks the sweetest. come on who hasn't hit on a gorgous g*y guy and kindddd of hoped (in the back of their mind) that he would change for them? thats just who girls are.  and we feel comfortable around g*y guys. we would hook up with a g*y guy for fun because its like with a girl (with something extra hahaha) when we wouldn't always hook up with random straight guys. g*y guys make girls feel more comfortable so straight men feel as if they are a threat because girls are all over them. some of my best friends are g*y guys i love them :)

  9. AIDS is a pretty good reason for me to be wary.

  10. I think it comes down to jealousy .They feel a g*y man can be more intimate friend than a partner. This rapport, a straight man and his girlfriend cannot hope to achieve in quite the same way.

  11. Umm, I am afraid one of them will find me attractive and hit on me...

    Go ahead and call me a homophobe, I dare ya!

  12. Your question is a little stereotypical in it's asking.

    Firstly, g*y men are perceived as a threat to straight men mostly because of the idea that most g*y men are camp and effeminate when this is not the case.  Just because some g*y men are Feminine, does not make all g*y men the same, it does not rub off on you.

    Alot of straight men are also afraid of looking at their feminine side, which they all have, because they might be seen as being g*y or on the verge, there is nothing wrong with crying at a sad film or showing your emotions in other ways.

    The other thing is that g*y men will be seen to be affecting a straight mans masculinity, which is aload of balls.  Many g*y men are as straight if non straighter than some hetro's are.

    It is also assumed that all g*y men want to bed all straight men, this is the biggest load of tosh going.  Believe it or not, most g*y men are choosy in the type of men that they like or even fancy, so just because a straight guy has a **** between his legs, does not mean that all g*y men want it.  g*y men have specific types that they like, and not all straight men would come under those types.

    Please don't automatically assume that all g*y men like to take it, or even give it.  A straight man might be very good looking, have a hot body, nice *** and a big packet, don't mean the g*y man has to have it.

    Besides, if nothing else, take the d**n compliment that you are attractive to both sexes, you don't have to assume that a g*y man is going to try and get you into bed or behind the bushes in the local park.

    Why do you lot have to assume that g*y men want to rape straight men!  For christ's sake get a grip on reality and open your minds, it does not happen.

    Have you ever actually got to know a g*y man personally, asked him questions that you have been wanting to ask, assuming you know the answers that your gonna get to your questions, then finding out that you get something completely different.

    The act of s*x between g*y men is no different to what straight couples do, many straight women and men like to take it anally or have their a**s played with ( I know that comment will get some negative remarks), but I actually know at least one couple that like it, she is straight, he is Bi.

    Don't claim to know what the majority of straight people are thinking, because not everyone thinks like you do, the same applies to thinking you know what g*y men are thinking, you don't!

    Be interesting to see what responses my answer gets!  I look forward to it.

  13. It's quite simple. I'm a g*y guy so I know about this. Straight men are scared of us because they don't understand us. As for those of you who are afraid a g*y guy will find you attractive, take a cold shower ! If we do find you attractive and hit on you you should be flattered.

  14. Their behaviour is repulsive.

  15. I have never known anyone see g*y men as a threat.

    Though many men dislike the thought of homosexual men this doesnt amount to fear.

    I see this kind of twist often applied to immigration issues.

    ie "Why do people FEAR Islam?"  err,we dont ,we just probably dont want it.

    So,we should be asking the question "why do g*y men not accept that not everyone accepts you,that not liking you or accepting you doesnt automatically mean that heterosexual men are flawed?

    Just because the government has changed the laws to guarantee the g*y viote,just because our schoolkids are being dripfed government propaganda doesnt mean to say that many free thinking individuals actually disagree with homosexuality and the liberal laws applied to it.

    Did I mention AIDS?

  16. Insecurity of their sexuality and masculinity.

  17. I guess some men think that they are going to rub "g*y" on them. LOL

    Good question though - especially that last part.

  18. Straight men could care less about g*y men's associations, and are no real threat as far as we're concerned. Any woman who prefers a g*y man just does not want us.  But If you ladies prefer them, then be with them.  I know of no straight man upset with the attention you ladies give to g*y men.  It's your time to spend as you wish. And with whomever you wish.

    And the rape anology sounds stupid.  Better get your GED before you ask dumb questions.

    P.S.  Make sure that you wipe that d***o off that the two of you share.  It may have more than just dookie on it.

  19. I dunno, they must be g*y to!

  20. They're not, only by heterosexual men insecure about their own masculine identities.

    It's not about rape, it's an irrational fear that homosexuality is somehow a disease that is transmitted by knowing about it.

    All men tell women that not all men are rapists, not just those who fear g*y men.

  21. The only thing I can think of is that some straight men are so homophobic that they are afraid that either the guy's "g*y-ness" will rub off on him, or that worse yet, they'll get hit on.  I think maybe some straight men see g*y men as a threat to their masculinity.


  23. most of them cud be homophobics


    they feel women might find g*y men more attarctive than straight men simply b'coz they are not availible

  24. I know a g*y guy who is 6'4" Muscles the sive of my head.

  25. It's no secret. It's because some straight men are afraid that g*y men will be attracted to them and hit on them. And that makes them freak out because sexuality for men is closely tied to gender identity. It's a threat to their masculinity.

    In extreme cases some disturbed straight men get so anxious they get violent about it and feel they are desperately defending their manhood.

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