
Why are gender roles constructed?

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I mean, I know how they are constructed. But I cant really think of a reason/benefit for a reason why?




  1. Gender deals with ones physical body functions.  Women bear the children and raise them while men hunt for food, protection, etc.  So throughout history, all the cultures and gender roles are just denominations of this natural behavior.

  2. I believe the gender roles develop rather than that they are constructed. They develop through observations of common traits which are noticed in the different genders. I don't think they have any reason or benefit other than people feel a need to classify things or put them in pidgin holes.

  3. I hate womens lib. I will not burn my wonder bra. I think men are better suited for some vocations and women for others. I love being a woman & doing "womans work". I have no need to get a job that men normaly do just because I can. I can do anything I want, but do you need to ladies? Just to prove your woman--hear her roar?

  4. gender roles weren't really 'constructed'

    everything kind of fell into place.. i actually just got done writting a paper on gender stratification and women's roles in the home and workplace..

    we live in a male dominate society.. no one chose for it to be that way it just happened.. their masculinity put them there and it's what will continue to keep them there.. ego contributes to by limiting women


  5. Gender roles are of course socially constructed, gender and s*x being completely different concepts and neither innate. I suppose the reasons why are many. The very fact that there are genders within society (and it's not always just the two, some societies have more) itself creates a heirarchy of power where one gender will be in a position of more power than the other. I actually live in a matriarchal society where women's position of power in the family predates and indeed survived the industrial revolution, however industrialisation and the imposition of middle-class discourses of family are, I believe, firmly to blame for inequalities in labour bargaining between genders. It's all about power and money in the end innit?

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