
Why are golfer's perfect?

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Golfers are white, s**y, rich and have trophy wives and probably have s*x every night, and make babies.

Are there no g*y [PGA] golfers?

(Serious answers please. If you give an irrelevant opinion, I'll report it.)





  1. I am not a golf expert, but tiger woods is black..

  2. i think david toms is g*y

  3. If you are a loser or on drugs or a criminal you aren't going to have the patince or skill to do something like play golf.

  4. Golfers exude perfection because they are, for the most part, extremely clean cut with nice clothes that fit well.  They give off the aura of wealth because golf is one of the most expensive sports out there.  There is something about the big gates out in front of the expensive country clubs that makes the masses curious about the 7 figure business deals being worked out over aged whiskey on the 19th hole.  As for the trophy wives, many of the afforementioned reasons explain that phenomenon.  That and the 1.2 million Phil wins in four days work is sure to minimize the size of his man b***s in the eyes of his smokin hot wife.  I'm not sure how to answer the g*y question.  I would assume there are some g*y members of the PGA, but golf has, in a way, always been the antigay.  Golf has always represented the establishment and the "man."  Even if g**s were historically welcomed into this society I imagine it would have been uncomfortable and unappealing.  Also because all pro golfers are so clean and well dressed, a g*y member of the PGA just wouldn't stand out as much.

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