
Why are guys acting like that?? ?

by  |  earlier

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hi im 16 years old and the guy that i never knew i would like him,is 14 years old. I know he is 2 years younger than me. but he is my neighbor and my brothers friend. lol okay well i dont know how i got a crush on him but i started talking back to him and he mimicked me..and yeah like children do as always. And then, when it was late afternoon, i stayed with my dog outside so he did the same thing. He then kept looking at me and i was like what you lookin at? lol and hes like what what nothing. he kept bothering me in a weird way. Its kind of confusing. he always smiles at me for no reason and ill tell you this he is 2 inches shorter than me how great is that. And now i feel like i want to get closer to him. wow hes a football player and talks to much...sometimes when i try to go home with my dog, he always asks me why am i going home..almost everyday. And im like what you want me to stay outside?? its pretty funny. He still likes playing video games ughh. let me tell you the truth i like him..but i dont know if i like him more than a frined and same as i would like to know if he likes me as a friend or more than that???




  1. Here's the thing. Right now, you're both teenagers. What that means is that your bodies are releasing chemicals and hormones to change your body. That's where the saying, "hormone driven teenagers" came from. Why you guy's may "think" you love each other? What hormones do is release pheromones at certain times. The opposite s*x reacts to these pheromones with a chemical reaction in their brain, causing attraction, the so called "falling in love."

    Really, you guys are just responding to your hormones.

    So, what about real love?

    As teenagers become adults, and their bodies become more formed, and stable, meaning that the hormones in their brain are regulated (not all over the place as in the teenage  years). I think "real love" exists. But, that's a philosophical area as to what it is. Some people say, "deep loving respect for one another"; others say, "intense attraction to one another." ; "Someone's other half"

    My point is, your hormones are partially responsable for your sudden attraction. Now, we are still human beings, not animals. We "think." It could be that because you've come to know him, and trust him, and enjoy being with him (it could be friendship love), but you're mistaking it for sexual love because of hormonal attraction.

    As to your question, I think that you guys are friends that are attracted to each other.    

  2. he want attention you know , like little kids want to be friends with older ones, and maybe you're pretty or HOT, you know as a kid I always had a crush on older women not my same age

    answer mine please

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