
Why are guys so nice around their ex-es?

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I don't understand. I have a friend who still hangs out with all his ex-girlfriends. At parties, he always takes pictures with them, he hugs them and is like the nicest person on Earth. My friend is great but he has a very bad taste in girls (I'm not the only one who thinks so), so his ex-girlfriends are not the nicest people in the world (they are quite rude actually). But why does he do that? Is he scared to 'hurt' them? If I talk to him about it, he gets angry (definitely not something he wants to share with anyone). Are there other guys who do this too?




  1. i agree with KELLY

  2. maybe cuz they still like them

  3. they want they're ex-girlfriends to know what they're missing!

  4. He's a player; If it was one ex then maybe I would say he still had feelings for that one person but if its more then one ex then he's just messin around =p

  5. I think he does it so the situation doesn't become awkward, its a comfort thing just to say there's no bad blood after the relationship and just because it didn't work out doesn't mean i wont be there for you if you need me

  6. ive been friends with most of my exs. usually i still wanna be there friend and we end up being really close but later i found out that this one girl cheated on me and was a s**t. i i hate her but i dont show it. so it isnt uncommon to be friends with your exs. alot of my friends do it

  7. Yeah - I've known guys like that and the reason usually is that they are friends - and the potential for "benefits" never truly expires! He's not a trustworthy guy - especially if he gets all defensive about sharing with you. It's not that he has bad taste in girls - it's that the things you're judging them by are not the same things he judges by - which are completely shallow and superficial kinds of things. Yeah - typical immature guy.

  8. He secretly wants a chance back in the pants. Personally, you can't find any of my ex-es.

  9. Since his past girlfriends are "b*****s", I'm assuming he would most likely be making sure they don't have a reason to tell everyone secrets and or embarrassing stories about him.

    Although it depends on what kind of guy he is as well, if he's always amazingly nice to everyone then it's not really difficult to figure out why he's being so nice to them, kind of trying to make up for the break-up regardless of who decided it was over.

  10. they're nice so the ex does'nt tell everyone just how bad they were in bed.

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