
Why are guys such jerks?

by  |  earlier

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like some guys arn't but some are just rude




  1. Because the guys you date are bad boy jerks. Try dating someone moderately good looking but also friendly and nice.

  2. I have learned in my extensive research that men are dumb. Its that simple. Dumb people or animals are very hostle tward people or things they dont understand. For example men dont understand why we do anything so they are mean, but then they realize they need us to give them what they want then they want to be nice. Its very simple we have the power but its up to us what we do with it.

  3. You must be one of them women that are attracted to bad boys, but you don't understand why you never get treated right. It's about time you started dating good guys, just a suggestion.

  4. Because jerks get laid more than non-jerks - sad but true.  

  5. It is the nature of human being to be good and mean :) there are also good and mean girls! But I must admit that I agree that some guys are jerks ( even if I am a boy!!); we can discuss more about this subject on messenger (invsgg)

  6. we're not all jearks, just the ones you're attracted to.  You've got that thing where all young girls want a bad boy, and when you're finally hurt enough times you'll wake up and realized you wasted all you're time, and a good guy was right there.

  7. if you have a problem with us, you dont have to deal with us.....there is more lesbians then you think, find yourself one of thos.

  8. I was going to ask the same question. Maybe they're just cowards and find being mean to be there best defense.

  9. its because women are bitchy first

  10. do the g*y thing!  

  11. they just behave like that because some girl broke their heart and now they just hate all girls, somehow that makes them feel good about themselves...not very mature but some guys are like that its their stupid EGO...

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