
Why are hellboy's horns missing?

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Why are hellboy's horns missing?




  1. they arent missing.there just stubby

  2. Chiefly, Hellboy shaves his horns because (1) he identifies with hornless American human beings [because he was rescued by the Allies during World War II when n**i occultists pulled him from the Netherworld] and (2) there are prophecies which connect him to the destruction of the world due to his demonic origins; Hellboy is resisting any diabolical tendencies that may be part and parcel of his supernatural makeup so he physically truncates his horns and thereby averts the arrival of the apocalypse.


    Maurice Kane

  3. He files them off.

  4. Maybe he was baptized and they fell off?

  5. Stan Lee drew him that way, so he wouldn't be a stereotypical demon

  6. He got too close to the hellfire.

  7. He cut them off

  8. That question is answered in Hellboy II The Golden Army you know. He files them down so that he doesn't stand out as much, but a lot of good that does him.

  9. because their out of style now... he's going for a new look!

  10. he grinds them off himself so he does not stand out so much....

  11. It's hard to fight bad guys when your horns keep getting caught on everything.

  12. He shaves them down like a beard every so often.

  13. originally he broke them off, but now the grinds them down....more subtle :D

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