
Why are hispanics a majority in most of the southern US cities?

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Almost all of the Southwestern cities in the US are majority Hispanic but why?




  1. Well, in Mississippi the chicken & timber industries brought in Mexicans/ Hispanics,some of which illegal and/or "wet backs" during the 90's, to do the jobs that whites & blacks didn't want to do. Because the jobs & the pay were c**p. Most likely this occured  threw out the southeast.    & to you little "P.C." people,  yes, I am in no way "P.C.", yes you can ***** about it, no I don't care.  sign: a proud man from Mississippi...   :)

  2. Because they are the closest to the border and have a climate that's more agreeable than, say, Maine in February.

  3. There's a preponderance of Hispanics in those states because of their proximity to Mexico. Anchor- babies. Look it up.

  4. Because its easy for them to hide there while they are illegal. They can run across the border really fast. I dont know if they are the majority just yet but soon they may be in about 10 years.

  5. because those states are closer to mexico.  if they decide that they want to leave or have to leave, they won't have to travel far, and so forth.

    Plus Mexico used to own those states, so it's old mexican territory

  6. RECONQUISTA!!!!!!!




    There will be no room for any of us who are not a part of "La Raza."

  7. That's just not so and I'm certainly surprised that so many people try to answer such a question that's based on an absolute lie.  (Don't believe everything you read, people.  Check these people out.)

    Hispanics are about 14% of the US population...the states with the highest percentage populations of hispanics are (in order):   New Mexico, California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Colorado, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois.  Of those, only New Mexico has a majority Hispanic population although California is getting there.

  8. People are going to get offended by this question haha. but i have no idea.

  9. Because Mexico is south of the border.

  10. Well what countries our south of the U S of A?

  11. Cause Mexico is closer thats why

  12. Because most of them don't practices birth control.

  13. Because they are closer to Mexico and they don't want to be to far from Mexico if they need to get back, run away (if illegal), or retrive/return to family.

  14. because southwestern is where mexico border is

  15. The Southwest used to be Mexican territory. With a swipe of a pen, they were all made US citizens when the United States gained it (maybe it would've been too daunting of a task, but the United States chose not to kick these people out).

    Plus you have a lot of inter-racial / inter-ethnic marriages going on today. A child need only one Hispanic parent (regardless of race) to identify as Hispanic if he wants to. Just because a person is seen as Hispanic by a government survey doesn't mean that both of his parents are Hispanic either.

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