
Why are horse race times in fifths not tenths like everything else?

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Why are horse race times in fifths not tenths like everything else?




  1. Each second is roughly equivent to 5 lengths.  You can test that next time you have a runaway winner, by counting the seconds between the winner and the others as they eventually cross the wire.

    You can easily convert to tenths, by doubling the fraction, if its easier for you to use tenths.  for example  6furlongs in 110 and 2, would convert to 110.4.  Hope this helps.

  2. 5 - 7 years ago it was changed to tenths.  Those that have been around the fifths so long revert back to them.

  3. THEY ARE.....

  4. One horse length is roughly equivalent to one-fifth of a second. Finishing intervals are usually measured in lengths, so this just makes things easier

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