
Why are how/why questions the same for little kids?

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When a child asks "Why is the sky blue?" They're really asking how light is reflected in the air to make it appear as blue. A "why" question doesn't make sense because purpose and intention have nothing to do with it. It's tautological, a mechanical series of steps.

Nowadays, as I learn about evolution, it's amazing how it explains how life works... strangely enough, it also implies "why" in some instances. Darwin, by saying an animal is motivated to survive to pass on genes, is technically assuming an animal's intention - "why" they are doing something, not just "how". (I guess I'm accustomed to science answering tautological questions - whenever something dealing with "why" comes up in science there's a controversy).

Anyway, there's a difference between the way a kid asks questions and the way a scientist does - i'll take guesses about why!




  1. Kids secretly already know why, since they are born with the truth about everything, but over the development of their brain subconsciously they forget it in an attempt to assimilate into to their surroundings because with the knowledge of everything they know how annoying a smart **** is.

  2. I agree with the previous poster.  They know it all.  They just have to map their inherent knowledge with social constructs and language.  Darwin was so limited.  Now, his discoveries are so dwarfed.  If it were just genes....we wouldn't have poetry/ music/ art/ love/ war/ generosity/ caring.  Science is only a piece of the pie.  It should be integrated with all knowledge, as it is incomplete and in a constant state of flux.

  3. Obviously you do not have children. Children ask tons of questions because they want to learn about everything. I would never dream of correcting my younger child in her grammatical posing of a question. Let's let kids be kids, ask lots of questions and encourage them to remain inquisitive!    

  4. Because they are kids. Sheesh!

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