
Why are human rights indispensable in our society?

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Why are human rights indispensable in our society?




  1. Human Rights prevent the misuse of power. Without Human Rights torture, rape, mass murder, anything could be done to people. Human Rights proclaim people as people so that no one can sell people or claim a human is an unperson. There could be more Human Rights such as The Human Right to Peace and The Human Right to own The Planet and conserve natural resources. These rights are not ones many nations accept yet but these rights could explain why Human Rights are essential to Society as warfare destroys human rights ignores Human Rights.

  2. They are indispensible for any society to exist.  Without rights of some sort, anarchy would totally reign and the rights would be those of the jungle, the bigger, faster, stronger one always gets his or her way.  Any expression otherwise is a statement that yes, individuals do have rights.

    Rights or the jungle, take your pick.

  3. they prevent tyranny of the majority.

    in a pure democracy the majority could just vote itself your property, or condemn you without trial.

    human rights legislation which are immovable and sacred prevent this, they mean that all people are protected from tyranny.

  4. It's your basic freedom...God given rights some say and that's what you learn in school...Right?

    But now there kicking God out of school....Whats left?   Your rights???

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