
Why are human rights so important and directly related to other challenges facing our world?

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I have always wondered this question and i am intrested in writing an essay about this specific questions. any infor would be greatly appreciated especially if you have specific experiences. Mature and detailed answers please




  1. Because human rights are the ultimate definition of what makes us human. Outside of that basic sphere of the urge to survive, being able to recognize that we are conscious creatures who have complex emotional workings not only drives us to avoid harming each-other and thus protect the interests of the race as a whole, but it also comes back and benefits us as individuals. In places in which human rights are not given the focus that they deserve, suffering is the consequence, and out of that suffering is born resentment and anger and the desire to seek revenge, which propagates the vicious cycle.

    Of course, a lot of people raise interesting points about human rights. Of these, the attitude of the United States of America (Or certainly its government, if not its people) is that human rights are important but that they can and should be suspended in certain cases (The Guantanamo inmates) in order to protect human rights elsewhere (The right of Western citizens not to be blown to smithereens by a terrorist). Of course, this creates the conundrum of taking rights to uphold them, which some people consider to be a maddening double standard. They point to the cases of mistaken identity and to other rights, such as the right to self-determination. You could ask, "Does Americas right to security give it the right to act aggressively in the Middle East?". The same could apply to Israel. It's all worth thinking about.

    A second human rights issue is the one the Chinese government takes, which is that quality of life and the Human Development Index should be taken into consideration when analyzing the concept of rights. They have a point - a lot of good being in a nation that is lenient on criminals and has excellent freedom of speech protection would be if you and your family were poor and starving - but then others believe that you cannot execute thousands of people and stomp down upon free speech and realistically say that that helps people to have a better quality of life, because it is an unacceptable trade off.

    Ultimately, the question with rights is if they are innate or earned, given or taken, and who qualifies for which, in whatever order of presedence. That's an argument for the ages, because like art, it's always going to be a matter of opinion.

  2. I will answer this question with this this question. If you were born and bred as an American citizen and you feel as I do that you no longer have a right do you? Individual rights are all that are important cause if I don't have any individual rights when I am not bothering others then I don't have a right. When I cannot pick out my own brand of tobacco I want to smoke or smoke outside I don't have a right.

  3. When NGO's raise the topic of human rights you should expect a demand for money to follow closely behind.

    When a government talks about human rights it is an excuse to interfere in the domestic affairs of another country.

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