
Why are humans considered to be a predatory species?

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Please give me a list with descriptions. It seems to boggle my mind is that without anything like weapons to protect us from dangerous animals, we're so weak.




  1. We use our brains & tools to catch our prey this is how we got to where we are and we still use it so we are predictors because we have many living pray which we eat to this day

  2. Humans use their mind to solve problems. When humans desperately need something or wanna get something, they will think out a way to do it or get it. That's why there came the clubs, spears, .... eventually guns, bombs, etc. to fend against animals. Darwin's theory of natural selection says that only the fittest will survive. Humans became the fittest after all those years of inventing stuff for neccessity, and started to take advantage of other animals, such as killing them for sport, eating them, breeding them, etc. I think you've heard of the quote somewhere that goes like this: "Use your head, not your fist." That's exactly what humans did. Humans became predatory because they wanted to be, because it will benefit humans and all living things will strive to do ANYTHING to get it (isn't that why lions kill deers, eagles pick off little rats, etc.).

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