
Why are humans gradually getting taller?

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Most children become taller than there parents eventually, why is this?

And what will happen if we keep growing? won't we get too tall for all the buildings/houses we have built?




  1. Apparently this seems to be true. A few generations ago, men used to work in mines with no trouble. Houses had lower ceilings and door ways. The average height was about 5ft. Nowadays, more and more people are meeting the 6ft and over, and everything needs to be taller. So the taller we get, the taller the building ceilings we will build to compensate. Reasons why maybe a change in diet, or a differenct life style.  

  2. After age 20 you start to shink again, so children will be taller than their parents....

  3. Gravity is not getting weaker, gravity is something made up by scientists to fool us. What drags us down to the ground is sin, the more sin the heavier something is. I take the fact that people are getting taller as a sign that things may actually be going right with the world, despite what others may say.

    People are getting taller because they are coming to realise that faith in God is more important.

  4. I *think* its because the foods we have now have more nutrition than say in the 1950s which make children grow healthier and taller i guess.

    If that's the case then the next generation are probably going to get taller since:

    tall guy marries tall woman, gets married and has baby boy/girl who inherits height. s/he eats these same nutritions which will add to his/her already tall height. then all this repeats over again and so on...

    Wow. Scary. I guess stuff like basketball and rock climbing will never be the same again... :'(... if thats true.

  5. It may be simply better nutrition with an upward limit on how tall people will ever be on average.

  6. Better nutrition and Wilt Chamberlain having s*x with 20,000 women and undoubtedly fathering a lot of children.

  7. Better nutrition. But I think that the steroids in meat definitely has something to do with it lately

  8. Nutrition and overall health. The progression is not always upward, humanity had a tall period in ancient times followed by a short period in medieaval times, now we're back on the up.

    There is likely an upper limit beyond which the average will not progress, but who knows? We're still evolving.

  9. maybe gravity getting weaker

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