
Why are humans programmed to percieve beauty by factors like symmetrical faces and plump lips?

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I just thought such a fact was astounding and was wondering if anyone knew the real factual reason. Also, I was wondering about other facial and bodily factors that humans instinctively perceive as attractive, if anyone could mention some of those as well.




  1. i think those two features remind one of youth,think about it all babies have plump little mouths with round chubby faces,we tend to trust and adore babies.

  2. symmetry of features is a sign that there are no obvious deformations ( and therefore birth defects that can be passed on to future generations) of the face. asymmetry of the facial features is often a sign of  long term health problems . We are genetically programmed to pick the person who will  be likely to produce the healthiest young.

  3. The goal o picking a partner is to produce the healthiest possible offspring.  This is a selection for genotype (genetics) which cannot be seen directly but can be partially inferred from phenotype (outward physical appearance).  Features such as height, symmetrical features, smooth skin, clear eyes, etc. show lack of disease, good nutritional history, and a likely hood of bearing healthy offspring to continue on the genetics.  After this point features become mostly cultural.  In parts of Africa and in Polynesian societies large bodies were preferred because of famine periods in which persons better able to store body fat would have the advantage.

  4. It's evolution; men subconciously judge women on "child-bearing" features, while women subconciously judge men on factors like their physical ability to protect and provide. In the end, it's basically all about the kids...

  5. Not " programed ", evolved. The explanations given are powerful and ultimate explanations for human behavior. Symmetry signals that one genes are superior enough to withstand environmental insult.

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