
Why are humans so physically inferior to other animals?

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I know we are the most intelligent animals on earth, but why are we so physically weak compared to most other mammals?

We have no thick hide, we have no claws or sharp teeth, we cannot survive neither extreme heat or cold, we cannot run fast (compared to other mammals), and our physical strength is nothing compared to other animals.

Since this is the case, how did we survive when we were evolving?




  1. we dont need them. brains cover everything. if you think about it, we can do way more than any other animal. planes can travel way faster than any other animal, we have armor and things for thick hides and extreme temperatures, we have machines to do heavy lifting. we have always survived by using tools.

    make it a good day.

  2. Maybe humans back then were stronger. People now a days are a lot more pampered then when people had to rely on their strength and agility.

  3. you kind of answered your own question there-

    it's not always whos the fastest or the strongest, sometimes its more brains that wins

  4. You have made a gross generality and over simplification.  Humans are indeed physically superior than many other animals.  The majority of wildlife are smaller and weaker than humans.  A human can crush any insect with hand or foot.

    We humans have indeed survived extremes of weather.  Else we would not be here.  There have been 4 Ice Ages within the last million years.  Humans have survived those.

  5. Humans evolved from an arboreal fruit-eating primate.

  6. We're not physically weak compared to other mammals. We're stronger than mice, rats, rabbits, armadillos, house cats, otters, sheep, shrews, squirrels, meerkats, weasels, mongooses etc etc etc.

    The simple answer to your question is hands, technology and a big brain. That's all you need to conquer the planet.

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