
Why are hurricanes given names?

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Why every 5 or 6 years the same names are used again?




  1. Names make them easier to recall...   gives them a personality over what a number would do...

  2. To help us identify storms and track them as they move across the ocean. Remember, there can be more than one hurricane at a time and without naming them, we could get confused about which storm we're talking about.

  3. Hurricane information is needed by ships at sea as well as by people on land.  Radio communication requires efficient and understandable conventions.  Hurricanes used to be identified by lat/long location, which has several problems.  

    The World Meteorological Association (I think) manages a list of six years of names, that are reused except that names of particularly damaging storms are retired and replaced.

  4. Names are chosen that are not misunderstood and cannot be confused with any other nautical terms or names, primarily in warning ships at sea.

  5. It's easier to keep track of them by a name, rather than say, storm #38, etc.

    The names are recycled but you won't see certain names repeat, such as Katrina, because of the devastation of that storm.

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