
Why are hybrid cars better than normal cars?

by Guest33933  |  earlier

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Why are hybrid cars better than normal cars?




  1. They are better for reducing emissions and fuel economy.

  2. Because all your liberal and green friends will think you are the poo.

    Supposedly they get really great gas mileage.

    But that estimate will come down next year with more realistic estimation procedures that actually:

    Go faster than 60 MPH.

    Actually use the air conditioner in the vehicle.

    Accelerate faster than I can on my bicycle.

    A diesel is far better and can run on bio-diesel which is far better than ethanol.

    73% better than the average car?  Only if you are getting what, 100 miles per gallon?

  3. In theory they use less gas and have reduced emissions.  In actual practice it also depends on the size of the vehicle and its engine, so a conventional Honda Civic might get better mileage than a hybrid Toyota Highlander.  However, everything else being equal, a hybrid can get significantly better mileage and pollute the air far less than an equivalent conventional vehicle, especially in city driving.

  4. Because they can cruise at 100 MPH!

  5. They don't get as good mileage as my Honda Civic.

  6. A hybrid car is a energy cloned car. When braking it it turns that energy into stored electical energy. It is using electrical and fuel energy in very fine balance, hence less fuel consumption. When coasting down a long hill it turns free energy into stored electrical again. All this due fine engineering and smart computers to keep energy balance operating in a very controlled manner.

  7. cuz they consume less gas than normal cars.

  8. They get better mileage in stop and go (in town) driving, but there is no improvement in mileage at highway speeds. They will never recoup their cost over the life of the vehicle unless it is driven ONLY in town.

    What will they do with all the expired, toxic batteries? Dump them in landfills?

  9. Well they should use less gas and get better gas mileage.  Less gas and better gas mileage woudl mean less pollution and less money spent on gas.  However I heard that it is rather expensive to fix a hybrid car.

  10. Hybrid cars use an electric motor to help power the vehicle. That means the engine is used less and consumes less fuel because of it. Less fuel used means less pollutants produced.

    The real advantage of hybrids vehicles is the subsequent development of the batteries that are used to power the electric motors. As battery development improves the main road block to a pure electric vehicle is cleared. And plug in EV's get us closer to a petroleum free economy.

  11. They're not better nor worse.  They're different.  They get better gas mileage, with a little reduction in performance.

    Whether they're better or not depends on your perspective.

  12. There are many reasons.

    1. Better gas mileage

    2. Won't have to pay as much for gas

    3. Emit a lot less greenhouse gas

    4. Emit little or no smog

    There are many more that I don't know.

  13. Uh... less fuel? I dunno. My mom thinks they're special.

  14. It's not just that they consume less gas than regular cars, they also emit lower amounts of greenhouse gases.  Supposedly a Prius emits 73% less greenhouse gases than the average new car.

  15. Because they get better gas mileage. They do that by making the gas engine much smaller than in a normal car and running that small engine at full power all the time. Any extra power goes to charging the batteries. If the engine needs help, to go up a hill or accelerate quickly, it gets help from electric motors running from the batteries. If the batteries are fully charged and the power needed to run the car is less than the engine produces, the engine shuts off and the car runs on batteries only for a while. This is especially good in heavy, stop and go traffic. No idling and wasting gas just to keep the engine ready to produce power quickly. It just shuts off if you are stopped long enough for the batteries to charge up.

  16. They are no better and why do you think they are?

  17. I don't think they are.  It will take years to offset the higher purchase price with fuel savings.   What about repair costs and their useful lifespan?

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