
Why are ignorant people judging obama by his middle name?

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I mean come on it's just a name, what's wrong with you people? are you like 11?A person is measured on his actions not his name.




  1. Are you suprised?

  2. he is running for president  and he can't take a little grief about his name, please, its just a name, I think he should say it as much as he can to make it a non issue anymore.

  3. Part of the GOP/right wing smear campaign that will ratchet up despite McCain's protestations.  These folks are playing both the religion card and the race card and have no shame.  

    The backdoor smears (most of which will be seen here) will be nastier than anything we've seen in US political history.  It's going to make Swiftboat look like Rubberduckie.

  4. Hey all if fair in elections.  Barack Hussein Obama was Barry Soerto in the Muslin country when he was raised, he dropped the name Barack Hussein Obama  for years, not he wants to re-surface as as Barack Hussein Obama now, all is fair.  He knew he was  "Hussein" if he did not like that name , he could have keep the name Barry Soerto.  Actions yes, I agree with that part, and if he is elected as President,  the world is going to find out just how  "Hussein" he is,  people are in for a very, very rude awakening about that guy, but once in office, it will be to late.

  5. Uh....ignorance.

  6. Yes. I'm not an Obama supporter by any means, but that is a low blow. I agree. If you're going to attack something, there's plenty to attack: his record, his policies, his ideas, his empty promises. His name is not something that you should attack. That is just a low blow and should not be utilized. Sad thing is if it turns people off just to hear that.

  7. h**l I'm for him dropping it and using just his first and last initial.   B.O. it fits.

  8. Because people need something to debate about and criticize someone about, especially since he made HISTORY at the beginning of this election!!!

    If he's not losing he' wrong, if he's not leaving his black so called "racist" church he's wrong, when he leaves the "racist" church he's wrong!!

    These people that are being idiots about this are upset because it IS history and they have been ever since this black man has entered this race!!

    It is the honest truth, some Americans just can't stand the thought of this man beating his opponent, and winning the election..

    They are IGNORANT!!!!

  9. Well I saw this one troll the other day post, John Sidney McCain, why would you trust a president with a female middle name?

  10. Because they're ignorant.  You answered your own question.

  11. Can you name any actions that he should be praised for other than being a minority he has accomplished absolutely nothing. I can care less what his name is but I would appreciate some of the morons voting for him to understand that the man has absolutely no credential or achievements to be the leader of the free would. He can not even embarrass the fact that he is not black he is mulatto. If you do not know where you came from how can you know where to take this country?

  12. because their education was stopped after their moms dropped them on their heads. :(

    Im sad for those that can't even have a conversation!

  13. Well in our society the prejudice germ is there and we use whatever we can to hide it. Hussein use to be an Ally to America when we needed him to defeat Komeni in the 80's. Beside that most people function on a 7th grade level, so go figure

  14. You are confusing people with trolls.

  15. so what actions are you particularly impressed with?

  16. They can't find any reason or logic, so they have to grasp at any straw they can.

    My name is John Ross Hendrix

    Does that make me a great guitar player?

    Does that make me qualified to be Principle Chief of the Cherokee Nation?

    Some people will just never get over it. Unfortunately, according to the laws of this country we have to let them live.

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