
Why are illegals ableto get welfare. WIC,medicaid, and foodstamps?

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Why are they having so many kids?I know the initial kid is so they can stay in the country but why the rest? They are sucking up government funds that they arent putting anything into,(Because they work under the table)




  1. The children born in the U.S. are automatically citizens. They are entitled to all the benefits you listed. The more eligible household members there are the more food assistance received. If the household claims no income, and they would since there cannot be any legal employment for the parents who are illegal, then there are no barriers to the children receiving the full welfare load.

    This is the scam that keeps illegals coming to the country, they know it and so do our politicians but they won't do anything about it -- it may cost them a few votes.

  2. Because they know how to work our system.

    If you need medical care and have no insurance, go to the hospital and tell them your name is jose

  3. I haven't a clue how someone who is illegal in this country is able to qualify for the benefits! They have got to be sneaking in, having fake ID's made, fake SS #s, someone has to be helping out also. I can't believe they are able to do it and get away with it.  It isn't fair to everyone who lives here.  We can't even take care of our homeless, mentally ill, or woman living in shelters; but we can pay out the asss for someone to get by on the system.

  4. Because they are sponges off the system and deserve to be punished and deported, their children deserve nothing from this country and should not be citizens.

    Minnie and karo- both of you are nasty and should be sent with these illegals!!!

    Yes it was the white and black man that built this country, surely not the illegals. Look what they have done to their own countries. If they had built their own countries, they would not need to slither here!!!

  5. Because in some major cities it's illegal to inquire about immigration status. If African Americans are receiving welfare they are entitled to it-they're American citizens.

    BTW African-American are the biggest losers in the whole immigration mess-it's mostly unskilled factory jobs that are now being filled by illegals-jobs that blacks would normally be lining up for.

  6. its not only illegals who suck up welfare funds,

    african americans and whites do it too

    actually i see mostly african americans (not all) asking 4 welfare.

  7. The Mexican Mafia sells fake documents down in the major parks of Mexico for a reasonable sum.  The illegal aliens brings the documents north, and uses them for welfare.  Earlier in the battle, the welfare processes were kept closed and as long as the I.D. looked good, it was accepted.  The States distributed the welfare, and the illegal aliens were never examined for fake documents.  The fake documents the Mexican Mafia provided were.. good!


    Citizenship follows the mother.  It is NOT granted by the Constitution, and while many believe that is the case, the childs citizenship is determined by the mother citizenship.  The Senate under the leadership of Reid and the gang of four refuse to clarify the issue, and the costs just keep mounting.  

    Keep in mind, Mexico is spending a huge amount of money to keep that fable on the streets, and the little girls coming north to have their babies.  Keep in mind the Catholic Church is talking to Congress... NOT the American People.. and telling them what to do.  

    An excellent examination of the issue can be found at,, and

    A good read on what Congress is doing to us at any given moment can be found at  You will have to forgive the language in that site.. some of the people there are more than likely pro illegal aliens, and they use such language to make the site look bad.

  8. They receive WIC, medicaid and foodstamps but it is for the child who is an american citizen. If it was only them (no children) they will not be allowed this benefit. It is only for the children.

  9. oh ill answer your question ...because most of the immigrants come here to do their best and yes the U.S helps them but in return most of them try their hardest now im sorry you feel hate for them cause they just wont stop coming sweetie...and for the one that said "the whole jose deal" immigrants means people all around the world not jss hispanics aha! am not saying theyre all good but its just like EVERY OTHER RACE theres good and lazy people and its just not immigrants that come to get gov. help its everyone that has nothing to do but sit around and have dont open your mouth if you dont even know all the info. [:

  10. Well, if you knew so much about illegals you would know that most of them who receive a check use a Tax ID # in place of a social security number.. which means that they pay taxes AND file taxes too.

    The reason they have more than 1 child is because, well, they CAN. It is hispanic culture to have a lot of kids.. however I don't consider 2 or 3 a lot. Just average.

    And they are not all sucking up government funds! Just because they are hispanic doesn't mean that they are illegal.

    I, also live in Atlanta, and work at a 4 star hotel here. 95% of the housekeeping staff are hispanic and about 75% of them are illegal. They ALL have Tax IDs, they ALL file their taxes every year, and not ONE of them uses government assistence.

    ..and only some of the illegals work 'under the table'

  11. They can't get it where I live.If the SSN's don't match up to the name then they don't qualify,which means they get NOTHING!! Btw ,they do put something"into" it.They have ITIN's which allows them to pay taxes.

    About your response to Karro,illegals can and do have accounts because Yahoo Answers is not just in America.And I highly doubt she is a illegal just because she disagrees with you.Name calling only shows your intelligence!!!!

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