
Why are important the duties of citizens?

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Why are important the duties of citizens?




  1. Important "DUTY" of a citizen is to  keep a check on its government by voting.  If one party is not  doing a good job, they  should be replaced. Personally i think every couple of years a new party should come into office, so that no one politician gets to powerful.

  2. A nation cannot thrive, unless the citizens take their duties and responsibilities seriously.

  3. Flush the toilet properly

  4. As a citizen of the USA sinse the 1600's I have the right to challenge how our government deviated from the original constitution and made it a mess. I also have the right to disagree with them ( our currant government) when it comes to the declaration of independance and over threw englands kings rule when our goverment is being a tyrant like that king was.

    We should not gonna let our politicians rule this planet. They wouldnt let the south leave the union and I dont believe that once you are in the union you cannot leave without a war. What our elected officals are doing that they dont tell us bothers me.  Too many secret deals with other countries and it makes me mad that its all lost in red tape and politacal jargon. We are the people of the united states...We employ these poloticians and WE have the right to fire and replace them for people who represent us... Voting is fair but WE the people do not have a voice and it seems the usual supects get voted in all the time. The electoral vote needs to be abolished and the popular vote for a man needs to be the law.

    s***w the parties. Maybe we can have a regular man as a president like the constitution intended...not someone with a politacal party.

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